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  1. mrboots

    nothing original to say

    You can find everything you need to do a good organic soil grow at your local nursery, I know you have one of those around you. You might only need to order a light from online.
  2. mrboots

    Marijuana Injury

    Can I get a medical marijuana card because I hurt my self tending to my plants?
  3. mrboots

    Glenn beck peice smears attackwatch and wallstreet protestors

    Because I should feel guilty for all the mean things white people have done in the past, so I should vote for the black guy?
  4. mrboots

    got a question for you northern nevada growers, please need answer

    Today, September 21, is the autumnal equinox also known as the first day of fall. Day and night are of equal length, 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night. Your plants will go directly into flower if you put them outside now. The days will continue to get shorter until december 21, the winter...
  5. mrboots

    Safe streets and community Act Canada

    That law looks like total bullshit. I thought pot was almost legal in canada. Aren't there some seedbanks based up there? The article I read said Canada's crime rate is at its lowest in 40 years, and they are passing a huge new anti-crime bill? Thats ridiculous. There was some terrorism stuff...
  6. mrboots

    owls are trippy creatures...

    I used to frame houses in Tucson AZ, I came into work one day and we had an owl in the rafters of the house we were working on , the thing just sat up there all day and watched us work. We were making lots of noise but it didn't get scared, just sat there. it was gone the next day but it was...
  7. mrboots


    Notorious B.I.G. ten crack commandments: "number six, that god damn credit, dead it, you think a crackhead paying you back, shit forget it" he's talking about crack, but I wouldn't let anyone hold any of my weed on consignment either, dispensary or not.
  8. mrboots

    Looking for HQ digital blotter files And or HQ Printer + Perforater

    erowid was a few galleries of blotter art on their site.
  9. mrboots

    Favorite Blotter Papers

    The best LSD I ever ate was called "Aztec" it had little aztec glyphs on each hit, all different shades of grey, that made a bigger picture if you had enough of it. I had 3 sheets, still attached to each other and that wasn't enough to see what the picture was. I tried looking for a picture of...
  10. mrboots

    Nevada Medical Marijuana Program FAQ

    The nevada mmj program clearly isn't as good as the one in california or colorado or a few other states, but it's a lot better than florida or texas or other states that have nothing. These thing are a process and hopefully things will keep moving in the right direction out here. It wasn't long...
  11. mrboots

    Supreme Court ruling coming soon.

    I probably see one dispensary type business a week get busted here in las vegas on the news. They really need to set up some kind of legal way for these places to operate. It's pretty ridiculous to require people who have serious medical problems and really use mj for medicine build a growroom...
  12. mrboots

    Does anyone know how to determine electricity cost / wattage???

    power is measured in kilowatt hours (KWH). that is 1,000 watts of power running for one hour. your 1,000 watt hps is using 1 KWH for each hour it is on. Your 400 watt is using 0.4 KWH for each hour it is on. so: 1 KHW x 12 hours a day x 30 days a month = 360 kwh per month. 0.4 kwh x 18 hours a...
  13. mrboots

    What Caused These Eaten Areas and Black Spots on Leafs? (PIC)

    Thrips are tiny flies, the things on the leaves are larva. I'm not an expert on the subject, but I believe they spend part of their live cycle in the soil. Since your growing in hydro I think they will be easier to control. I have tried a few different sprays without any luck, but dusting...
  14. mrboots

    What Caused These Eaten Areas and Black Spots on Leafs? (PIC)

    those are thrips, they are a huge pain in the ass, I've been fighting them for a couple months in my growbox. they are hard to get rid of, i've had some luck dusting my plants with food grade diatomacious earth. are you growing in soil or hydro?
  15. mrboots

    Cloning from almost harvested plants

    look up re-vegging on here, you still harvest most of the plant, just leave all the leaves you can and some of the lower popcorn buds. I don"t have the time to explain it in depth, but a few people have done good tutorials on it and it usually works.
  16. mrboots

    Go al bundy

    he's on modern family now and still funny as hell.
  17. mrboots

    how long did your recent attitude orders take to arrive

    I've order from them twice, first time seeds got here in 6 days, the second time it took 10.
  18. mrboots

    coming into town wednesday.

    There is lots of weed in vegas, keep your eyes open and you might find some. I've had people try to sell me weed downtown on fremont street, but I wouldn't count on it happening. Good luck. It's too bad we can't trust complete strangers from the internet, but thats just how it is.
  19. mrboots

    is it hard to make a living on marijuana

    It gets really hard when the cops find out what you are up too.
  20. mrboots

    Is ANYTHING not regulated?

    what about the LAWof gravity?