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  1. LadyKimi

    Funny Chit!!

    Don't know why but I found this freaking HILARIOUS!! Thought I'd share! Resolved Question Show me another »...
  2. LadyKimi

    Might be Moving

    Hey all! The hubby and I are considering a move to NM. We have been planning an AZ move for 2 years but considering the MMJ laws we are honestly thinking NM might be the better choice. We are interested in the warmest climate possible without being directly on the Mexican border.. Any ideas...
  3. LadyKimi

    do i need ventilation

    I am speaking from 100% experience when I say that "saving money" on a 1st time grow usually means adding headaches! Walmsrt has a cheapo fan for $6. I did not have a fan on my first grow and had to use pipe cleaners to prop my plants. Now on my 2nd grow my 2 week old plants have stems as thick...
  4. LadyKimi

    buying seed from PIRATE SEEDS

    I would check out the seed bank review forum before I ordered from anyone first time.
  5. LadyKimi

    alot of people say.......

    Did any one notice that the article said proper PH is 7.5-8? On the seed thing. I have to openly admit that I am brand new to growing anything, couldn't even keep a house plant alive before but when I originally read that the seed should be planted a certain way it seemed really funny to me...
  6. LadyKimi

    what am i doing wrong??

    Def over watering for sure. Your roots can not get the oxygen nor will the "stretch out" looking for moisture (this is why you only water when they are dry) Even though you have over watered I would suggest a really good flush with neutral PH water to get rid of any salt build up from the MG...
  7. LadyKimi

    Track your Grow with your Computer

    Hey Guys, I finally got this downloaded on my other PC. It is a vista os upgraded to windows 7. Not sure why but Herb IQ just keeps crashing on me, can't really do anything with it... Kimi
  8. LadyKimi

    The Official "Quadruple Thunder Grow Off"

    Here are my girls! They are between 9 and 16 days from popping soil... Here is the run down.. All the girls have been getting 2-4 hours of sunlight a day and I have upped the CFLs inside to 3 26w-6500k bulbs per plant. They are being fed Jacks Classic 20/20/20 at 1/4 strength, except Rocky, she...
  9. LadyKimi

    Documenting 2nd Go Around... Learning From Mistakes Journal

    I know, I know, I missed a day and I promised my self I wouldn't. What can I say.. I suck. :roll: Here is the run down.. All the girls have been getting 2-4 hours of sunlight a day and I have upped the CFLs inside to 3 26w-6500k bulbs per plant. They are being fed Jacks Classic 20/20/20 at 1/4...
  10. LadyKimi

    Soil Recommendation

    To avoid online ordering go to a local nursery. I used to live in Kent, there are plenty around. Most ccarry at least 1 or 2 of the googies.. Sunshine Mix #4 Prom Mix seed and potting Fox Farm varieties Good Luck!
  11. LadyKimi

    is this normal growth?

    My newest discovery, cant really remember who turned me on to it, but I love it is Diatomaceous Earth. Awesome Stuff and a little goes a loooooooooooong way!
  12. LadyKimi

    Post your pics forum??

    I do love this site but I wonder about that and those dumb outdated stickies.. Metinks RIU needs some clean up! Kimi
  13. LadyKimi

    I wonder what this is?? (pics)

    Fingers Super Crossed that it's a Girl!!!!!! It would be a shame if it werent!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a Beast! Kimi
  14. LadyKimi

    IS THIS IT!? Pics...

    Female No Dounbt. Those might be preflowers but they are what my first girls looked like 1 week into 12/12 or flower time.... Congrats! Kimi
  15. LadyKimi

    Weapon of choice for real!!!

    This is funny to me. I am on the older side for a "new" smoker. I have not smoked since the early 90s. I tease my son and brother all the time becuz the smoke blunts. This seems like a HUGE waste of pot to me. Any way you slice it, the lit end of any smokeable item, be it cigar, cigarette, joint...
  16. LadyKimi

    The Official "Quadruple Thunder Grow Off"

    Dude, I am so crazy Paranoid about bad things happening to my girls after last grow when I had thripes that I have diatomaceous earth on my soil to avoid this from happening. The girls love the sun soooo much and I am a CFL grower currently so I think I am going to continue to take the chance...
  17. LadyKimi

    smelly weed?

    WoW!! I think I may have just told everyone what color my hair is......
  18. LadyKimi

    smelly weed?

    Do U mean that literally??? Rinse?? I havent actually harvested for smoke as I turned my last crop into butter so I havent researched but... Rinse??? With water???? Kimi
  19. LadyKimi

    The Official "Quadruple Thunder Grow Off"

    Oh Man! That Sux! So Sorry! I didn't realize fungus gnats could kill plants! Haven't really looked into gnats cuz I haven't had an issue... Good Luck with ur motivation! That is next on my list! Kimi
  20. LadyKimi

    Will this bulb do good with my plant? Will it be enough?

    If U are vegging, none of the lights shown will work super well. U need a 6500k color spectrum. U can buy 6 26w 6500k CFLS @ Walmart for $15, more light angels and the right spectrum should give that 1 plant more than enough! Kimi