Just wondering, How long can I keep my rooted cuttings in my humidity dome for?
They've been rooted for 4 days and I'm starting on my next grow in 2 weeks, I won't need them till then.
Will they die? :leaf:
Quick Question Roseman, Are the drip feeders supposed to be on 24/7?
Also what strength nutrient solution do you start with and how much do you up it by everytime?
First time gonna be using DWC and just wanna get preped.
pretty nice man i'm gonna follow this one.
I plan to lst a few plants for a couple of months, get them as big as I can scrog them and boom, mega yeild!
maybe in a few grows though but I will def try it out.
I'm also in socal and I want to grow in my backyard when is the time span on which i wanna plant them outside before they start to flower?
Also I will be making a green house as i'm going to grow lots of different things and don't want any bugs.
oops i meant to write t5, and yes hydro does have a faster growth rate , But if a genetic tends to grow fast it will grow fast regardless of how you decide to grow.
Depends on the strain you're growing I have 2 genetics as of now my G-13 grows tall very quick as oppossed to my OG Kush it grows slow and bushy. also I would use that 400watter it's always better than T5's
Good stuff roseman, I was going to buy the stealth hydro kit but after seeing your DIY I decided to make my own it cost me around $68 dollars to make. I will be starting my DWC grow in 2 weeks wish me luck.
Terrorizer805 :leaf:
I should pick some of this stuff up.
It doesn't really turn your buds purple does it?
2 of my plants have slight hints of purple staring to form i'm on my last 2 weeks of 12/12.