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  1. terrorizer805

    Stealing electricity

    Believe me No one is on your wet pussy kid. Just stating that your a complete idiot for thinking you are going to grow 300 plants with stolen electrictity, you have to be the biggest retard to do something like that. Cops will be after your dumbass too if you start an illegal grow op with stolen...
  2. terrorizer805

    Stealing electricity

    GTFO of RIU ignorant FUCK
  3. terrorizer805


    You sound like a fucking douche bag, I bet you have no friends and no one likes your bitch ass, don't come on here making personal attacks on anybody, If you disagree with someone on here debate it. Don't go and say stupid shit because you sound like a fucking retard.
  4. terrorizer805

    What kind of nutrient should I use?

    definitely get your lights closer your plant is stretching. As for nutes I would suggest Fox Farm's Grow big for veg and Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom for Flower. Oh and don't use miracle grow again , It's the worst soil to use.
  5. terrorizer805

    Any lawyers? need help

    NEVER EVER CONSENT TO A SEARCH!! Especially since it was not your car, you don't know what the owner has in it. It was your own fault you got nervous and let them violate your personal space. I suggest you read up on your rights a bit.
  6. terrorizer805

    Fan leaves dying off?!?! HELP

    I've heard alot of people say the fan leaves yellow in the last weeks of 12/12, now i'm just confused.
  7. terrorizer805

    My Magic Blue Mystic

    You could have been over feeding and it got nute lock, I know that happened to me but a quick flush should get them back on track.
  8. terrorizer805

    EBB and FLOW system!

    You can also make your own for way cheaper. I'm also interested in getting one for my next grow. But I'm thinking on building one. If you are interested in making your own just search on google or youtube for how to videos.
  9. terrorizer805

    EBB and FLOW system!

    This should explain what you need to know.
  10. terrorizer805

    EBB and FLOW system!

    EBB & FLOW - (FLOOD AND DRAIN) The Ebb and Flow system works by temporarily flooding the grow tray with nutrient solution and then draining the solution back into the reservoir. This action is normally done with a submerged pump that is connected to a timer. When the timer turns the pump on...
  11. terrorizer805

    My Magic Blue Mystic

    My bad, I must have missed you say that. Now I know what you were talking about I was confused haha!
  12. terrorizer805

    **My First Grow 5 Clones w/PICS**

    Lol, they're doing good man thanks for askin. I can't wait either, But they should be dried and cured right before the new year . I'll post some pics when I get my camera back.
  13. terrorizer805

    Cloning 24/0 or 18/6??

    I do 24/0 it's really up to you
  14. terrorizer805

    My Magic Blue Mystic

    Liking the new set up stinkbud, yo the molasses is for watering only, it feeds all the organisms in the soil and they make your plants really happy.
  15. terrorizer805

    **My First Grow 5 Clones w/PICS**

    What's up guys, I recently wrote to GH and FF and asked for samples. Fox Farm is going to send me their soluable trio, and General hydroponics is going to send me their new line of organics. I'm so excited. I will post pics when I recieve the products should be in by the end of the week. :bigjoint:
  16. terrorizer805

    My Magic Blue Mystic

    What do you think it's from? Can you post some pics?
  17. terrorizer805

    cross breeding a marijuana/tobacco plant?

    Lol, I would like to know aswell.
  18. terrorizer805

    outdoor experimenting

    too cold man i'm freezing my ass off and i'm in socal
  19. terrorizer805

    Stealing electricity

    You will definitely evetually get cought don't risk it pal.
  20. terrorizer805

    Why not 24hrs. light during VEG.

    It's personal prefrence IMO, I always veg 24/0 they love it, and they grow really big really fast. I've heard different thing about 24/0 and 18/6 . If it's working for you and you like the way they are growing then stick with it. How about a few pics?