In the Bay area in May the sun will be reaching 14 hours by the 12th. I personally will be putting a few out around 4-20-10 to get a little jump hopefully they wont try and go to flower since they will be actually put out at about 13 hours of light.
Since it is on your Dad's land why not put them in the ground and add a few amendments . They will get huge then check when in your area when is a good time to plant tomatoes. Me I will be experimenting from now until May the 12th that is when it goes to 14 hour days here. Then the big pots will...
Glad to see this being cleared up finally. I see still alot of unfounded rumors being thrown around. Remember what brought you all together a passion for growing. Well if you want to learn the system from the man himself come to and have fun. It will only get bigger and better...
That is so true cant wait for this season have started doing all my prep work . Buying pots more nutes and starting the dirt to cook. Turning the holes in the ground all kind of worms things are looking good.
Mine are starting to show preflowers now so we will see this next week of sun should move things along gave them some veg food today so we will see. I also put two more plants out this week so they will either flower or get replanted in April in the ground. This will definitely be a interesting...
Checked the two pots that have been out they have started to show preflowers. Will set another out in a couple of weeks The two survived the wind and rain. Will post pics if weather holds up tomorrow.
Humble Learner those look good mine are in pots not in the ground. I'm saving my ground spots for some other strains. I will be moving them under cover today.
Sound great keep us informed of your results I have changed the soil I used Black Gold for them instead of the Sunland mix. I put Kananga out and a SD. I will be putting two more out of the SD in a different mix they are about two feet.