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  1. dirrtyd

    Cali Feb To May finish Outdoors

    Take some pics will let you know if they are flowering or not. Good Luck
  2. dirrtyd


    Build a real cloner for about 40 bucks. With a very good success rate. Google the video Stinkbud cloner all can be bought at home depot. Good Luck
  3. dirrtyd

    Cali Feb To May finish Outdoors

    I'm basing this on the change of the photoperiod of the plant going from 24/0 to outside should trigger flower. I have played with the lights inside so I know it should work outside. We will see very soon the plants go outside in February.
  4. dirrtyd

    Cali Feb To May finish Outdoors

    Sound like to me you would be cutting it close. But it is worth a try it may not get to big though. Good Luck my plants have been vegging for over two months.
  5. dirrtyd

    "How plants communicate"

    Will have to try with some seeds outside this year and see i could use a male in a controlled environment. Good Read Thanks
  6. dirrtyd

    Cali Feb To May finish Outdoors

    I dont see why not the plant should be to far gone to revert back by spring so it should finish. Remember I'm trying this based on a book by Mel Frank and Ed Rosenthal. If it works and it seems to me it will i will harvest twice a year so a good thing.
  7. dirrtyd

    I want a Spring harvest?..

    Check out my thread Cali FEb to May finish outdoors. I beleive it will work long as you can fight the rain once in flower it will flower for sure if it is getting enough direct sun. I will start updating my thread next month when I transplant to soil. Good Luck
  8. dirrtyd

    Cracker Jack marijuana - it's a new strain of cannabis

    Where cna I find these geneteics in California? I will drive from the Bay too acquire them. Thanks for input on this any of your genteics i will drive for. Thanks
  9. dirrtyd

    Cali Feb To May finish Outdoors

    In theory that should work and if put out before end of Feb will be done by May hopefully with a eight week strain.
  10. dirrtyd

    Cracker Jack marijuana - it's a new strain of cannabis

    I will be watching this hope it becomes available soon. Need something like that for my outdoor grow
  11. dirrtyd

    Newbie 2010 Outdoor Prep. Help

    No one said growing was that easy especially if its good at the end ot the day. A little hard work will pay off for sure cant' wait to put my gurls in the ground
  12. dirrtyd

    Experienced Outdoor Grower Questions?

    Depends on strain but i would say with some sour diesel you will get a monster if you VEG for two and outside to finish also start vegging now i am. The diesel probably a 1/2 p a plant or more if done right. Good Luck
  13. dirrtyd

    outdoor hydroponics grow

    You should be fine I finished some plants outdoors in a aeroponic system this past summer. It should work fine. Good Luck
  14. dirrtyd

    i really need advice on regenerating

    Why didn't you take cuttings then ? PPPPPP Good Luck
  15. dirrtyd

    Someone help me plz

    If your are going to grow haze know it has a long grow season. Starting in march after the equinox you should be fine. As long as your area has no frost. Good Luck
  16. dirrtyd

    what is the best non-violent form of revenge

    Well you need a better security system for your operation. I would invest in one quick some dogs some cameras. preferably trained dogs cause 5lbs a whop is a lot a dough in my book. Good Luck
  17. dirrtyd

    what is the best non-violent form of revenge

    I want to know how he rob your stash twice who all know about your operation?
  18. dirrtyd

    2 weeks into flower, take a look.

    Looks female but the pic is blurry cant really see around the nodes.
  19. dirrtyd

    Newbie 2010 Outdoor Prep. Help

    Check out a search on here for Super soil. Theres a few recipes around but just soil may or may not help you produce the best plant you can. Hope this helps
  20. dirrtyd

    Cali Feb To May finish Outdoors

    Do you get sun all during the day if so I would give it a try. To me it is just an experiment that way I will know if it works . I can figure how to grow year round if it does by vegging inside then transplanting outside in soil will also test this theory in a aero setup next winter. I know i...