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  1. max316420

    Close to harvest..wilty cola leaves..whats wrong?

    The reason they might look different could be of different pheno's
  2. max316420

    Yellow/brown spots, 3 weeks of flowering (yes, another one of these!)

    And if your in soil I would add lime next run cause the root of your problem could be that your soil has become acidic and is locking out the magnesium
  3. max316420

    Yellow/brown spots, 3 weeks of flowering (yes, another one of these!)

    Just make sure to back your lights off a bit when foliar feeding, and to spray BOTH sides of the leaves.. It will take a little while for you to notice anything but that should do the trick.. P.S. don't overdo it or you will burn the shit outta your ladies (been there done that)
  4. max316420

    Yellow/brown spots, 3 weeks of flowering (yes, another one of these!)

    how much are you feeding (mag) them? Magnesium is a macronutrient and is used almost as much as NPK.. I use 2 teaspoons per gallon every watering in flowering.. They don't eat much in veg but gobble a shitload in flowering, especially early stages of flowering
  5. max316420

    help with leaf prob with pic

    they look good, I would say its just from a lack of light
  6. max316420

    Close to harvest..wilty cola leaves..whats wrong?

    Technically your only 4 true weeks of flowering, IMO the 2 week transition stage doesn't count so your really 4 weeks flowering. Give her another month or so and she'll be fat as hell... Good job man
  7. max316420

    Close to harvest..wilty cola leaves..whats wrong?

    Just the genetics of the plant, my bb does the exact same thing..
  8. max316420

    question about lumens....

    1000 = 5x5 area 600 = 4x4 area.. I would go with the 1000 cause your always gonna wanna grow more
  9. max316420

    ph help!!

    huh??? what question are you asking?
  10. max316420

    dolomite lime

    top dress with it, tb is ph'd real low.. the lime isn't gonna work instantly so you might wanna ph your water after adding food
  11. max316420

    first grow,comments welcome

    looks good dude
  12. max316420

    Close to harvest..wilty cola leaves..whats wrong?

    that plant looks super healthy
  13. max316420

    Close to harvest..wilty cola leaves..whats wrong?

    Looks like you have about another month or so
  14. max316420

    Close to harvest..wilty cola leaves..whats wrong?

    Your fine dude, looks good... But I would say your not that close to harvest. How long have they been flowering for?
  15. max316420

    Only one embryonic leaf!!

    To be honest I haven't flowered any cutting out yet. And the thing is that Ive had her for like 2 years lol. She is perfectly healthy and growing like a weed... Just hang in there and she eventually start growing. Ive wanted to grow mango for like 10 years, that was one of the strains I was...
  16. max316420

    Yellow/brown spots, 3 weeks of flowering (yes, another one of these!)

    I would recommend general organics calmag over botanicares calmag.. IMO it just seems to work better
  17. max316420

    Yellow/brown spots, 3 weeks of flowering (yes, another one of these!)

    Your def has already set in by the time the plant show symtoms of it. Start supplement with calmag and the yellowing will stop. Won't happen overnight but eventually she will regain health. I have studied the effects of mag defs in mj for more then 2 years and that is def a mag def. Don't over...
  18. max316420

    Yellow/brown spots, 3 weeks of flowering (yes, another one of these!)

    That is a magnesium def... very common at this stage. If you never wanna experience this again start supplementing with calmag right when you flip your lights to 12/12
  19. max316420

    Spider mites 2 weeks from flower!

    Do you by any chance use co2, Co2 at a rate of around 3000 ppm will off those little fuckers and not effect your plants in any way shape or form
  20. max316420

    Only one embryonic leaf!!

    I was fuckin with some g13 haze seeds and mine did the exact same thing, took like a month to actually start growing...