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  1. mr.smileyface

    how did you choose your user name?

    wouldnt it just be Mattness?
  2. mr.smileyface

    how did you choose your user name?

    Its Mr.Smileyface because when they try and get answers out of me i just sit there and smile. WIth the biggest grin on my face. First im nice and ask for chips and pop. After that i turn into a blank person with a shit eating grin on my face. haha pesky porkers
  3. mr.smileyface

    Test my knowlege?. Do you need help? I can anwser some questions

    You might need another air stone in there dude. If you going to use DWC please use A two or three part hydroponic food. You will find least amout of problems by using hydroponics with hydroponics.
  4. mr.smileyface

    Test my knowlege?. Do you need help? I can anwser some questions

    Well im in BC and there are many stores i could go to. Ive never bought the capacitor but im sure they are cheap. I Get Old 1000watters for 50 dollars used. A 1000w digital goes for 3-4 hundred for the good ones. Depends where you go. Your better off getting a used one. Im guess around 20-30$...
  5. mr.smileyface

    2010 outdoor tentative plan. Any input?

    6 feet? trying to hid some bodies in that lime haha. 3 feet works good. It also depends where you plant. Forest,marsh,field. Since your in the forest have to watch out for acidy soil. The pine needles degrade and are acidic. He is telling to digg 6 feet deep because your are sappose to back...
  6. mr.smileyface

    2010 outdoor tentative plan. Any input?

    what was the part about flowering? i didnt see that word in there. Seedlings show sex in three weeks or more when in veg. and the whole thing about making each one a mom is hilarious. Just veg them untill june and you will have some treeeeeees at the end of the season. Pull the males when...
  7. mr.smileyface

    Test my knowlege?. Do you need help? I can anwser some questions

    Dont water unless is dry. Since you dont have a light on it, Its probly not dry. You should just leave it. If your soil is evenly moist then you will be fine till it pops up. If your not using an hid then you shouldnt water for a week. Soggy wet soil causes air cut off. If you plant your seeds...
  8. mr.smileyface

    Test my knowlege?. Do you need help? I can anwser some questions

    What are you feeding them?? Anything with sulfur should bring the PH down. Most fertilizers are acidic. You might have a zinc/ iron deficient if you dont lower to ph to 6.5 I dont see why your soil should be so alkaline. Did you add extra lime?? Your problem can be fixed very easly. That is easy...
  9. mr.smileyface

    Test my knowlege?. Do you need help? I can anwser some questions

    Go digital!! they dont make a peep and there is less start up. ANYways the really loud vibration means you have a bad capacitor. The old magnetic ballast always hum. But if it sounds more high pitch then your capacitor needs replaced or you should go buy a new ballast.
  10. mr.smileyface

    I want my MOMA!! BC MANGO, BC GOD, KUSH, WW

    sorry guys i have to shut down all my operations due to sketchyness
  11. mr.smileyface

    Test my knowlege?. Do you need help? I can anwser some questions

    Lisen im not try to say im a professional grower alright. Im just bored and have a 6 oclock cerfew. "test my knowledge" means see how much i really know. I dont need dicks like you in my thread thinking you know everything about this. Really i dont think you know so much. Do you know the...
  12. mr.smileyface

    Test my knowlege?. Do you need help? I can anwser some questions

    Well if you gave it a superbloom when you switched to flower, The bottom leaves are the first thing to go when nitrogen levels go down. Nitrogen is easily washed away is the most mobile nutrient. Its normal for that to happen when the bottom leaves get no light. The seedling(cotyledon) leaves...
  13. mr.smileyface

    Test my knowlege?. Do you need help? I can anwser some questions

    You just come onto this thread to lip off. You know i was talking to the guy with the nuteburn on page 6 right? If you knew so much about growing you should know your sappose to flush your hydro system. Does a grow medium hold moisture and nutrients? YES. Is hydro a grow medium? yeaaaa. WHat...
  14. mr.smileyface

    Test my knowlege?. Do you need help? I can anwser some questions

    Didnt you know your sappose to flush once a month to reduce salt build up?
  15. mr.smileyface

    20 strain gorilla grow,check out the strain list

    Dont lisen to what he says about big bud. Outdoors it can yeild over a pound a plant. You pay that much? I get mine from bcsk for 25 i pay 75$. I love my seeds outdoors. Put them out in march and see what happends around october:hump:
  16. mr.smileyface

    Test my knowlege?. Do you need help? I can anwser some questions

    Well i think you should hold off for another week. There is a time frame for harvesting that is usauly 2-7 days for an average indica. It seems like you didnt flush after the 4th week of growth. Or just over fed. They are a little small but im guessing around 7 weeks by the ripeness. You should...
  17. mr.smileyface

    I want my MOMA!! BC MANGO, BC GOD, KUSH, WW

    most of the kush sprouted. Half of the kush im bringing to my friends place. These are only going to be in there for a few weeks. Once i pick the mom or moms, im going to bring them to a veg room with other clones. The left over females will go either to my friends or to the flowering room. I...
  18. mr.smileyface

    Test my knowlege?. Do you need help? I can anwser some questions

    If you can tie them down. How much space you got? Look into bushmaster or top load. It will make them short and stocky. Your plants are still going to grow taller. Tie it down. Put your tallest on the outside of the garden so you can tie it down towards the light.
  19. mr.smileyface

    Powdery mildew 1 week till harves?????????

    from week to harvest? are you crazy? dont listen to him. You have to find a way to lower your humidity. Run the dehum full blast. Increase your ventilation