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  1. S

    Expert wanted for this unusual question......

    Do you know the way you get flowers delivered and the stems are in water as this prolongs the life on the flower for a few days. Is this the same principle for fully developed buds on a branch? I need to cut main branches down (fully grown ripe buds) from my grow and move them, to give me...
  2. S

    Foliar feeds and the PH!

    anyone help?
  3. S


    flush solid for 1 week thats all.
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    Foliar feeds and the PH!

    ahhh ok because i understand about nutrient lockout to the roots if your PH is outside 5.5-6.2 Just wondered whether this applied for foliar feeding also?
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    Foliar feeds and the PH!

    Hello all, im using nitrozyne foliar feed aswell as others and my question is do i need to ph the water between 5.5-6.2 when mixed or do i just spray on? as ive noticed some foliar feeds turn the ph to around 7-8ph. im using soft water and my ec is prob 0.1 is there a rule to foliar feeding...
  6. S

    im a little worried.

    i cud post a few pics but i honestly dnt think it will tell much of a story as im sure alot of you will say that they look fine and have ok bud, but im comparing them to my other grow and there is a huge difference even apart from the fact they are 5 days behind, temps and lights the same...
  7. S

    im a little worried.

    when they try and go back into veg, does it set them back a few days, or will they then want to start over again from week one? the light disturbance happened around week 3 and 5, they have packed bud since but VERY slowly and im not seeing any rapid swelling like u normally do from week 6 onwards.
  8. S

    im a little worried.

    thanks man, do u think they will lose out on yield because of the disturbance? i guess im going to have a hard time knowing when to flush them as i wont know when to expect them to ripen, i do check the trichs. just might have a couple days to flush and chop!
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    im a little worried.

    not much a pic will tell you, everythings very green and nice, just lacking in swollen bud at week 8, where the other grow at week 9 is huge!
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    im a little worried.

    i did and i have, left the room bulb on by mistake and took it out and binned it. i dont need to be reminded every 5 minutes, just wud like my question answered by someone in the know
  11. S

    im a little worried.

    Buds on the light disturbed plant are now into week 8 and the buds are ALOT smaller than the other grow. Have i fucked up here or will they take longer to ripen and swell up? also i notice the plants arms are alot longer in the light disturbed room with smaller buds, can anyone help me?
  12. S

    im a little worried.

    correct!!!!!!!!! 1 less problem next time :) just hope not too much damage has been done, ive checked for hermies and thats ok, they are just very behind.
  13. S

    im a little worried.

    hope so, the stupidest thing and now i feel like smashing them all up coz they dont look great. im so annoyed, the light bulb is out and in a million pieces!!!!!!!!!
  14. S

    im a little worried.

    does anyone else have an opinion on this?
  15. S

    im a little worried.

    hi all, i have 2 small grows that are 5 days apart. in one grow i haven't disturbed the plants at all and they are perfect and really chunky going onto week 8. the grow that is 5 days behind has been disturbed by light twice by accident (i left the room light on), although it was only a low...
  16. S

    Made a mistake!!!!!!

    yeah thanks all, i dont think i will have hermies, do they just start to grow little balls? i always use a magnifying glass to tell when they are done and i can tell if theres a change in yield as i usually know what to expect. thanks everyone for ur advice and help
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    Made a mistake!!!!!!

    what im asking is have i lost out in yield due to the 1-3 days lost on 12/12 or will the yield not be affected and just harvest 3 days late?
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    Made a mistake!!!!!!

    btw they are on week 5-6 now. im sure they wont herm but im angry at the silly mistake
  19. S

    Made a mistake!!!!!!

    so have i lost bud or will they just take an extra few days to mature?
  20. S

    Made a mistake!!!!!!

    Hello all, i accidently left a light bulb on in my room for possibly 1-3 days during week 3 of flower, i have switched the bulb off now but the plants dont seem to be as heavy budded as i would of expected for the week they are now on. is it possible they have been set back a few days because...