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  1. mrboots

    Acid in the orange rabbit.

    I don't know what the dose on them was, but I've taken them probably a dozen times and they were comprable in stregth to a hit of good paper every time I had them. I think part of it is marketing, gels always cost more even though they were about the same strength as any paper or liquid that...
  2. mrboots

    Rollitup's Pitbull Owners, Whats Up.

    This pit isn't mine, it's a dog that lives in a bar I like downtown. He's sweet as hell though and doesn't get bothered by all the noise and drunk people at all.
  3. mrboots

    Stay away from Attitude Seeds

    I was just trying to make a quick point. I was looking at the new posts and there were a several of people with only a few posts bashing attitude. One guy brought up a two year old thread to recomend some seedbank. I also havent seen any of these complaint threads post a picture of their bad...
  4. mrboots

    Stay away from Attitude Seeds

    It's never ok for anybody to screw anybody out of money, and anybody can bitch about whatever they want. I bet if you had a problem with anything you would be able to lay out a better case than the OP. I don't believe someone who joined just to bash something. Do you ever read reviews for...
  5. mrboots

    Stay away from Attitude Seeds

    Whats ignorant about my statement? Except for how I said "and" instead of "an". All I'm saying is I'm not trusting all these attitude bashing threads where the person is a new member of riu, and lots of other people including myself have had no problems with them.
  6. mrboots

    Stay away from Attitude Seeds

    Thats different, Re-read that OP and tell me it's legit. It doesn't even make any sense.
  7. mrboots

    Stay away from Attitude Seeds

    You should not be allowed to post and attiude bashing thread on here untill you have a ton of posts and some pictures to show that you actually know how to grow.
  8. mrboots

    hydro store no no's ??

    To be safe from evildoers! lol
  9. mrboots

    hydro store no no's ??

    And they shot the ruby ridge guy's dog, son and wife, while she was holding a baby.
  10. mrboots

    hydro store no no's ??

    Yup, and tried to make it ok by saying that David Koresh was molesting kids and stuff. Was he? we don't really know, but they were on their own thing down there and the feds didn't like it. At Ruby Ridge they actually bought a short barreled shotgun from the guy at a gun show, but the cop talked...
  11. mrboots

    hydro store no no's ??

    He said it was conspiracy to sell pounds. So they probably had the dude on a phone or wire talking to somebody like "hey, man I know a dude we can score some keys off of down in miami, lets do it" There you go, thats all you need for a federal conspiracy charge to stick. Two or more people...
  12. mrboots

    hydro store no no's ??

    They ran up in both of those places over shotguns with barrels that were too short. Is that really worth sending the swat teams at people for?
  13. mrboots

    hydro store no no's ??

    Your right, they will bust you and then find a way to make it "legal". Those conspiracy charges are real bullshit. Your getting busted for talking about buying a brick and that's the same crime as actually having it. WTF!
  14. mrboots {attiutude seeds}is wat the world of growers has wited

    I'm pretty sure this blatant of an advertisement is not allowed.
  15. mrboots

    hydro store no no's ??

    You are totally right, but those uppity fuckers can still send you to prison, so one must be careful.
  16. mrboots

    hydro store no no's ??

    what do you mean, they take down a drivers license #? I have never seen any store do that, hydro or otherwise.
  17. mrboots

    hydro store no no's ??

    The cops do need more than someone's word to get a warrant, but if they have someone's word, they will start looking at you and chances are they will find what they need for a warrant. They will look through your trash, look at your power bill, look at your house with a FLIR camera, pull you...
  18. mrboots

    Autoflower Cage Match! (community activity)

    I've got one of those growing now, so I should be able to give a report on it before the next round starts.
  19. mrboots

    check out my guard frog

    Doesn't Fox Farms make a soil called happy frog? There he is!
  20. mrboots

    Are all hydro stores 420 friendly?

    My "hydro store" is a 100 percent legit nursery. You can buy anything there, palm trees, tomato plants, fruit trees, bonsai trees, etc, but they sell all the nutes and hydro store stuff too. And they have a bunch of parrots and tucans and these giant turtles that live with all the plants. The...