I've got a 100 watt hps in my flower cabinet and it seems to be working pretty good, but i'm only a month into my grow with it, but yeah pm me what ever you want and we can keep this thread on topic.
I'm guessing from your avatar that you are in Taiwan? Where I live gets really, really...
It all depends what bag the seeds came out of. Back in the day when I sold a lot I would find the occasional seed in top shelf weed. Just one male flower in a room could pollenate a bunch of plants. Even seeds from schwag can be decent if properly grown.
Those scopes look cool, but I probably wouldn't be able to figure out how to post pics either. I just take pictures with my blackberry.
Canon, let me know if you want some advice on modifying your cabinet. I think I'm better at building cabinets than I am at actually growing. I'm on my 4th one...
You did an awesome job, especially for a first grow. It's hard to get over an oz per square foot and you did. You would probably need to go hydro to get more than what you did.
I saw a thread this morning where the dude was talking all that SWIM shit, trying to make mdma, and it got locked fast as hell. Would a PM of teks be a better way to go if one were interested in sharing their knowledge?
That stuff really works, but it's just isopropyl alcohol and salt and some blue color.
I'm not a hater though. Good for somebody getting rich off bong cleaner. I wish I had invented that.
I like your other two, Angelina Jolie used to walk around with a vial of Billy Bob Thornton's blood as a necklace. Thats some freaky shit right there. and country girls are fun as hell and can drink more than you.
Fuck sweaters and poems!
I heard an interview with Amy Lee and she was talking about like knitting and a bunch of boring stuff. I don't think she's that much of a freak, the freaky ones are the ones that don't look it. IMO, like that super hot pole vault chick on the above post.
Not trying to say you can't be on here. Welcome to RIU. If only smokers voted yes on prop 19, it wouldn't pass, since a majority of people don't smoke. You should burn one when it passes just for the hell of it. lol.
You need to SCROG your plants, that is the best way to utilize flouro tubes. Those are not the best lights, But you can get some decent smoke off them no matter what anybody tells you.
If had some of the craziest dreams I've ever had on a light dose of Valium (diazapm), like 10mg. Too much and you can't remember anything. I haven't experienced anything with some of the other benzodiazepenes like xanax (alprazolam) or klonopin (clonazepam). They area little more common, but...