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  1. T

    Atheist or Religious

    I think it is irrelevant that the two great scientists of Europe's late middle age continued to believe in a god. The point is that if we were created by a theistic god who loved us and we were the pinnacle of his creation, one would expect us to be the center, indeed Jerusalem to be the center...
  2. T

    Game of Thrones after S6E4...

    I would like to see John and Danny marry and be joint monarchs and have Tyrian as the Hand. I think it will be the 3 of them who ride the dragons. Danny is about to cause some shit. The Iron Born are about to come after her dragons though. The guy who threw Baylon Grayjoy off the bridge in the...
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    Game of Thrones after S6E4...

    Sansa, in the most recent episode, has began to get some steel in her spine. She told Jon that she was going to fight for Winterfell even if he didn't help her.
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    Game of Thrones after S6E4...

    Im pretty sure there was a scenario when Tywin was hand of the king to the last Targ that there was a rape of the Hand's wife by the king or another targ. It is entirely possible that Tyrian is a Targ also. How the dragons didnt eat him recently is evidence of this, and also his possession of...
  5. T

    Why Has No One Killed George Zimmerman?

    A jury consists of twelve ordinary citizens who determine the guilt or innocence of someone accused of an offence. The basis for a twelve person jury is that it is a representative cross section of the local community and therefore are more likely to judge in line with generally accepted values...
  6. T

    Why Has No One Killed George Zimmerman?

    This is the dumbest argument I've ever had... And I've had some dumb ones. Jury is part of government to the extent that we are supposed to have a government of by and for the people. They are there to serve a roll in a governmental process. Much like when we vote in November we are taking...
  7. T

    Can anyone passionately and intelligently explain what Southern pride in relation to the Rebel flag

    I've not read the thread but I'm going to answer your question. Im sort of southern. My region of the south didbt have slaves. Not that they were illegal, so very few could afford them. The population here didn't want to break with the union and most of those who fought from the areas of...
  8. T

    Plane crash must have been terrorism

    Because he didn't stop it!
  9. T

    Why Has No One Killed George Zimmerman?

    The jury is randomly drawn from the citizenry, and brought in precisely because they are not part of the government. To say that the jury is just another form of government is idiotic. It shows a total lack of understanding at the common law origins of Why we used jurys. I'm not down on you...
  10. T

    Atheist or Religious

    In the 15th century Galalio and Copernicus proved we weren't the center. You lose me with the laws. It isn't like man's laws. The laws aren't proscriptive as you seem to imply. They are descriptive laws. They describe the world instead of limit it. I never said your view was unreasonable, at...
  11. T

    Game of Thrones after S6E4...

    I think Dannie, John Snow, and Tyrian will ride the dragons. Ned Stark saved his sister from the Tower of Joy where she was held by the Targs. Maybe John is really the product of that event. With a new king John would have been a threat. And Ned never really wanted to talk about John's mother...
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    Game of Thrones after S6E4...

    John Snow. As the Prince that was promised will ride the other Dragon. He is likely a targaryan after all.
  13. T

    Game of Thrones after S6E4...

    Never thought about the letter not being authentic. It sounded like Ramsey to me. But Maybe youre right. Little finger has a way of being manipulative like that.
  14. T

    Game of Thrones after S6E4...

    I expect most of the Tyrel's to die this season. It's their turn to bleed. I can't believe the Umbers have turned. In the books they're as loyal as anyone can be. Osha came back for 30 seconds just to be murdered. But if you notice she tried to kill him from the first. Maybe its all part of...
  15. T

    Why Has No One Killed George Zimmerman?

    A jury is not part of the government. The government is required to use a jury of our peers. What a dumb thing to say.
  16. T

    Why Has No One Killed George Zimmerman?

    Be careful what you wish for. Have you ever looked up at how IQ is distributed across demographics? Republicans would benefit from limiting IQ for voting purposes.
  17. T

    Why Has No One Killed George Zimmerman?

    So did the cops kick his ass when they got to the scene? Becuae they took pictures of him that right, he had a bloody beaten face and multiple cuts and contusions on the back of his head. They took those pictures that night. How do you explain those?
  18. T

    Game of Thrones after S6E4...

    Ok fellow GoT addicts.... No one in the show has ever deserved to die more than Ramsey Bolton. The High Sparrow is insuferably boring. But he plays the game better than anyone. Thormund is becoming my favorit character. The love eyes he was giving Bryane was lolarious. And Dany finally...
  19. T

    Isis Thread

    A free man would say he did, just to say fuck you to those who said he couldn't.
  20. T

    How does God orchestrate such a perfect Symphony?

    This is like asking what mountains are for, or what trees are for. A child may say a tree's purpose is to scratch the back of large beras or mammals in the woods that can lean up against them. If we look around, really sit back and think as hard as you can and as objectively as you can, what...