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  1. georgiagrower

    Southerners Growing Thread

    The swamp water is pretty good for the plants. But im definately not going to plant them where its constantly sludge. they should be safe as i definately wont be there to often.
  2. georgiagrower

    1st ever plant. does she look ok?

    Check this out. its water gel. Its the perfect answer to your problem.
  3. georgiagrower

    anyone grown Purple Maroc?

    That sucks. Its a good plant and great medicinally. But not to good behind closed doors lol. Sorry about your girl!!! maybe better luck outdoors for you. why didnt you take her outside?
  4. georgiagrower

    Southerners Growing Thread

    About the same here. I got a nice swamp that will do really well for my girls. i just hope that it goes as well as I plan. south atlanta doesnt have much to work with as you probably know hahahaha!
  5. georgiagrower

    Bought seeds i have never grown before. has anyone had experience with these?

    I appreciate the encouragement wbw. The thought of working for months on a supposed good plant and it ending up being schwag is not cool. lol
  6. georgiagrower

    Best state to grow outdoors?!?

    West Virginia does have some of the best places to grow.
  7. georgiagrower

    When you going to start this year

    I have a slough of plants to put out this year. I got 1 out now as a test to see if it will produce as good when put out early as the others being put out in March. If you put a plant into bloom way to early can you reverse it and save it?
  8. georgiagrower

    1st ever plant. does she look ok?

    Buy some water gel. size medium and use that when you take off :) Bump if im right!!!
  9. georgiagrower

    anyone grown Purple Maroc?

    I dont really think voodoo juice matters much with the Maroc. I have heard of it not even blooming indoors... if it even makes it that far into growth. The Maroc is garbage indoors, but a great plant outdoors. Unless you have a miracle then the Maroc will fail indoors. Just an honest opinion...
  10. georgiagrower

    Ras Berry inthe Rain Forest!!

    They look yummy!
  11. georgiagrower

    Bought seeds i have never grown before. has anyone had experience with these?

    Well maybe I should believe the hype then. I hope these strains are what people say they are. Otherwise I will be pissed.
  12. georgiagrower

    Southerners Growing Thread

    hahahahaha!!! thats funny... well we all know that there is nothing wrong with pot. Its a medicine. But then again who would have thought that it would have gotten as far as it did in the other states?
  13. georgiagrower

    Bought seeds i have never grown before. has anyone had experience with these?

    From everything I have read on the white russian, she is supposed to be a powerful smoke... I cant wait to get these girls going!!!!! I will definately post some pics of them
  14. georgiagrower

    Bought seeds i have never grown before. has anyone had experience with these?

    I bought these from Attitude. Dutch Passion Orange Bud, Michelle Moist, white label hollands hope, and white russian. I have never grown any of these strains and want to know if anyone has ever grown these. If so do you have any advice? Please let me know. ALL tips would be helpful. P.S They...
  15. georgiagrower

    How do indoor strains do being grown outdoors?

    I didnt know if they would actually grow as represented. Has anyone ever done this?