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  1. mr.smileyface

    Would this be suitable for a soilless?

    anyone tried a recipe like this?
  2. mr.smileyface

    How much lime is in Pro-mix

    DOes anyone know yet? would the small amout of lime be enough calcium??
  3. mr.smileyface

    Odor control for leaky basement grow?

    Yes your grow room should be sealed to prevent light leaks and oder leaks. Its also sealed so you can get more air pressure on your fans. I mean outtake as is the fan that removes moist hot and stale air out of your grow room. you could pump the filtered air out of your house through a dryer...
  4. mr.smileyface

    2 oz's hash

    See this guy knows. I always perferd a joint over anything else. I dont smoke cigs but i used to. Hash is good if you dont have any bud. where you from gazzette?
  5. mr.smileyface

    Top 5 must Grow Strains

    LEMON HASH PLANT KUSH Blue Berry Romula Trainwreck
  6. mr.smileyface

    2 oz's hash

    SOunds tasty. Was there gold stars on the stamp? I had this stuff that had MTV on it with 4 gold stars on it. Its a medium color brown on the outside and gold on the inside.
  7. mr.smileyface

    2 oz's hash

    are you from the states? haha no wonder you think hash is better. You only smoke good weed when its imported from BRITISH COLUMBIA. And the green hash you guys smoke down there is quite a laugh. haha You ever seen gold hashish? stamped bricks? your a newb son. I bet you havent even smoked good weed
  8. mr.smileyface

    2 oz's hash

    People dont like hash anymore dude it taste like shit haha. People want Bud "budder" my buddy can make it and wont show me how. But one little bong hit will mess you up.. Its so smooth going in and you can hold it in without choking. When you exhaul you are hacking. Your heart is racing and your...
  9. mr.smileyface

    Fans, To push or to pull

    well if your putting a duct on the both ends of both fan your going to loose cfm. I dont care who you think you are, its physics. Your making the fan work harder
  10. mr.smileyface

    Would this be suitable for a soilless?

    yea i thought of that. there is alot of differnt things i could try. i was mixing bat guano wormcasts oxycal and rare earth mixed with 3 bays of promix on 4x8 table and feeding them a recipe similar to the one i have for my plain soillless. I changed it a bit tho
  11. mr.smileyface

    Would this be suitable for a soilless?

    I dont use fox farms. wayyy to expensive for a larger scale. Im sure they work good and would grab some for a small 1 light maybe. Im sick of hearing about it cause i have yet to try the smoke that it makes. I dont even know if they sell it here? Im in British columbia canada. I dont need a RO...
  12. mr.smileyface

    Fans, To push or to pull

    Its better to push the air... for example a human back... Its better for your back to push instead on pull. well its kinda the same thing with the fan.. The fan is best kept in the room where the source of the air is. Less work for the fan because it doesnt have to suck the air out of the tube...
  13. mr.smileyface

    Would this be suitable for a soilless?

    not even a view haha
  14. mr.smileyface

    Odor control for leaky basement grow?

    you could get a charcoal filter in by the plants which would be used as an outtake and it cleans the molicules in the air making it fresh
  15. mr.smileyface

    Would this be suitable for a soilless?

    Would this be sutible for a 25gal res Week1: 1cup dry tecnigro 10-30-20...1/2tbsp rhinoskin 4 oz diamond nectar...1/2tsp hydro boost and 60ml kushiekush week 2: 1 cup 10-30-20, 1/2tbsp rhinoskin, 4oz diamond nectar, 1/2tsp hydroboost,75ml kushie kush week 3: 1 cup 10-30-20, 1/2tbsp...
  16. mr.smileyface

    Is promix consedered soil or hydro?

    What was i smoking haha i didnt even spell rockwool right lol. It says it can get planted in peat moss hah
  17. mr.smileyface

    Is promix consedered soil or hydro?

    Is rockwell hydro? Yes.. What is rockwell? Peatmoss compressed. Soilless is hydro because you have to supply all the nutes
  18. mr.smileyface

    How much lime is in Pro-mix

    its promix hp
  19. mr.smileyface

    Curing lots of bud at once!!

    Ok first trim one by one. Get a coat hanger and hang then upside down. Keep a fan in the room but not directly on the plants. Keep them in total darkness as light is bad for your buds! Then 48 hours later take them out and cut the buds off One by One and put in a box or something while your...
  20. mr.smileyface

    How to turn your buds purple

    50 % percent of Purple Kush plants will turn purple when introduced to cold. Alot of the leaves will turn people on any plant that is into introduced to the cold temps. The bud is what you want changed? Buy a purple strain. But like i said only 50 % percent will have a tinge of purps