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  1. GoPostalMan

    Plants droop between watering schedule?

    1/3 cup of water is like 2.75 ounces of water or something close... so if anything i would have under watered them then... yea i use the finger/soil trick, when i watered yesterday, the soil felt dry to where they needed water, however i'm sure i could have over estimated how dry each plant was...
  2. GoPostalMan

    What's wrong with these plants?

    i just wanna say... yes, it could be from feeding or over watering. however, bottom leaves do die sometimes to grow new leaves... What lighting are you using for veg right now? how many watts?
  3. GoPostalMan

    Plants droop between watering schedule?

    ok that's good to know heh... I thought about watering a good amount before i started these guys. They are all in 8x8x8 pots and i gave the all 1/3 cup water. They all look healthy, that one just started to droop and has been droopy for a few hours, and i watered them a good 18 hours ago, and...
  4. GoPostalMan

    Plants droop between watering schedule?

    ok. picture. sorry it's blurry but you can see massive droopage
  5. GoPostalMan

    Possibly Purple Indica?

    hard to say. purple veins are normal among some high grade strains... so it could be a good sign.
  6. GoPostalMan

    Plants droop between watering schedule?

    Hey all, Just a quick question as i can't seem to find the answer... What would cause a plant to droop between watering schedules? As in, i watered yesterday in the afternoon... all looked good, light stayed on a good 8-10 hours after. lights off for the night, 5 hours, then on today. looked ok...
  7. GoPostalMan

    Possibly Purple Indica?

    you got some dark green droopy leaves.. you using tap water? monitoring PH? Dankness is correct though... purple leaves don't mean anything... flowering can produce purple buds and purple hued leaves around the buds, but i still don't think the leaves turn purple like that on most strains...
  8. GoPostalMan

    Different looking leaves

    that's cool as shit, those leaves are fat sons of bitches lol i'm not sure what would cause that.. maybe just genetics... every human looks different... same would go for plants, we just don't notice the differences most times, but that is noticeable
  9. GoPostalMan

    My set up, newbie.

    wanted to post here real fast.... so 24 hours ago i replanted them for the second time. and when i said they immediately took to the soil.... This is a plant a day ago before i replanted a second time. (The one on the left) This is the same plant 24 hours later
  10. GoPostalMan

    Passive Growing = Full time job

    Day 15, i think. So.. after transplanting twice within 2 days, STILL HEALTHY! and when i said they immediately took to the soil. This is a plant a day ago before i replanted a second time. (The one on the left) This is the same plant 24 hours later
  11. GoPostalMan


    sad thing, you could possibly do it, seeds like dark warm moist places... lol I wonder if the roots would try to dig in your anus?
  12. GoPostalMan

    Passive Growing = Full time job

    It matters on how many can live =). I'm hoping that 2 live, then when they get a second node, i'll convert the box to a SCROG. If all 4 are healthy and make it, then i will create a mother box from the grow box, and create a cloning set up in my closet (i have multiple shelves a good 3 to 4...
  13. GoPostalMan

    Passive Growing = Full time job

    and they're off! son's of bitches expanded after transplanting to the new pots. All 4 seem to have taken to the soil quickly, no stunt or pause in growth. Which i assume is good after 2 transplants within 3 days? aybe it doesn't matter. 18 hour day of light for them today. then they go to...
  14. GoPostalMan

    Birth Control

    eza82, awesome post article. Gave me the info i needed. appreciate it!
  15. GoPostalMan

    Birth Control

    Is it true 1 birth control pill to a gallon of water fed to your plant through veg will enhance or speed up growth? I've read this a few places and a friend had mentioned it to me yesterday... fresh on my mind.
  16. GoPostalMan

    Revenge of the black dots

    have you tried looking under the leaves at all? sometimes the bigger ones can be seen as small moving specs... you'd see shit moving if there was a ton of them white flies eat leaves like wild fire, but you'd notice them
  17. GoPostalMan

    Revenge of the black dots

    possible to be thrips? but if it was, he would notice the little flying fuckers.. they get everywhere. i think he might have been exaggerating a little, they probably ate a lot of those other leaves, to where they wouldn't have lived. when you wake up to find huge holes in your plant, it's of...
  18. GoPostalMan


    how much are you watering them? honestly, they look healthy, just over watered.
  19. GoPostalMan

    Revenge of the black dots

    I agree with GlassFreak, don't bomb them, it's easier to use the sticky strips.. however do use the neem oil technique... if you spray the leaves.. leaf, over and under, just a little, you can get those fuckers from sucking the life out temporarly, then hopefully while they're bored, they'll...
  20. GoPostalMan

    My set up, newbie.

    lots of questions heh.. i suggest doing a run around the forums.. your questions have been answered very recently. Also, the FAQ button at the top has A LOT of information. Also, you can take a look at this website for more info