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  1. itzCESAR*


    Yes I forgot about that, but it's very important to pre soak your RW. I've never used H2O2 tho. I don't think that it is vital.
  2. itzCESAR*


    You def want humidity until they sprout. Plastic lunch bags work like magic. Once they do sprout take the bags or humid dome off to avoid damping off. Once they sprout you'll have the cotelydons, but once you get the first pair of blade leaves, your going to want nutes. In soil, you don't need...
  3. itzCESAR*

    First Grow - Problem 4wks Into Budding.. HELP!!!! - PICS

    Def a nute burn man! Def not a deficiency. Try using less nutes, or none for awhile.
  4. itzCESAR*

    Nutrient Brand

    Looks like your right about the nutes, but I still think there light kits are overpriced bongsmilie
  5. itzCESAR*

    Winter outdoor growing

    Very nice point
  6. itzCESAR*

    Nutrient Brand

    Wow you have to pay 30$ extra for a standard light bulb to. 400w HPS bulb cost 13$ a piece. That's the good kind to, cheaper ones cost 11$.
  7. itzCESAR*

    Nutrient Brand

    High Tech Garden Supply ( ) has everything your looking for, and cheaper There go your nutes, cheaper than longbeachhydro to.
  8. itzCESAR*


    Congrats, but we are talking about the new skin. Wow, this is actually pretty frustrating. I wish someone could just fix this, because NO, the rep system is not properly working for the new skin. It's not even up on the new skin.
  9. itzCESAR*

    Help Legalize, Call today. Stop Raids

    I doubt that the Obama admin will take this topic as seriously as we all wish. If decriminalization of MJ is even considered, it won't be for a while.
  10. itzCESAR*

    how am I going? (newbie)

    Lookin good, I like the setup. As previously stated, it is very early, and you won't be able to tell the sex for at least another month or two.
  11. itzCESAR*

    getting ready to grow.

    W/ MJ it's really easy to overdo it. So be very careful when it comes to nutes, and watering. First couple of weeks are always my toughest:wall:, so GL :weed:
  12. itzCESAR*


    clean res, and make sure to add H2O2 aka Hydrogen Peroxide
  13. itzCESAR*

    first soil sprouts question

    Sweat, I'm just worried I didn't germinate them long enough. I also fumbled a couple of seeds around. I hate dealing w/ the first couple of weeks. I'm always so nervous. Thanks for the responses tho. Peace
  14. itzCESAR*

    first soil sprouts question

    I'm keeping the soil warm w/ warm propagation mat. I'm keeping them moist by keeping them slightly covered w/ a plastic covering, kinda like a humid dome.
  15. itzCESAR*

    first soil sprouts question

    Wow that is longer than I expected. Thanks for that tho, now I won't give up so fast. I've done hydro before, and for some reason the first couple of weeks are the toughest. Maybe I should have let the tap roots develop a little bit more :wall:. I'll wait a week than. Thanks:clap:
  16. itzCESAR*

    first soil sprouts question

    I placed some seeds in soil that were barely germinated, barely cracked w/ a tiny tap root. How long does it usually take for sprouts to appear?
  17. itzCESAR*

    Winter outdoor growing

    Hey, bro check out the FAQ, and read up on growing bro. The light green are not healthy. Your seeds should be brown w/ gray. They should not be green. BTW, no your seeds will do nothing in 20 degree weather. How is that not super cold?
  18. itzCESAR*

    First Real Grow (Good Bagseed)

    Count me in on this one. Any updates foo?
  19. itzCESAR*


    Can't really explain it, but I'm guessing yours is blue... right? The new one looks a lot like the forum. It doesn't really matter, but the new one does NOT have the scales, or the + sign.
  20. itzCESAR*


    Your not on the new setting. Well that might be a new one, but that's not the newest