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  1. dogglet forever

    colored weed... great gag?

    is that what you grow?
  2. dogglet forever

    colored weed... great gag?

    i guess i'll have think of other ways to torment my friends
  3. dogglet forever

    colored weed... great gag?

    i have these dye pills that were left over from a colored egg pack from easter... if i were to place one with a germinated seed and grow it... would the color of the plant be altered? i wanna play a gag on my buds with some mutant orange or bright pink plants.
  4. dogglet forever

    what can i use other than water in my bong..??

    in my dads old high times mags... they have these double chambered water pipes that look like mason jars attached or rather glued to some wood and connected with tubing... anyways they had wine in them... i tried it once... and it wasn't anything to brag about just a little aroma.
  5. dogglet forever

    Does anyone know a free download service?

    thanks for threatfire
  6. dogglet forever

    TV personalities you cant f'in stand.

    this last 2 pics aren't really a TV personality... but i hate when i see shit like this on TV...
  7. dogglet forever

    blonde (pollen) ?

    i still havent found anything on stuff
  8. dogglet forever

    Goin on about a month PICS

    here's my BLUE DRAGON at two weeks... free seed from a friend hope its a she!
  9. dogglet forever

    Most Shameful Smoke

    when i was like 14 i grew my first plant out in a field by my house... i literally no idea what i was doing... i ferted with nasty shit... one day me and my buds needed some smoke so i had the bright idea of cutting some of the huge fan leaves (because surely they contain more of this THC stuff)...
  10. dogglet forever

    what is your favorite beer?

    SAM ADAMS cream stout
  11. dogglet forever

    Prepetual Harvest w/out clones?

    these work really good! its all really about keeping the cuttings warm and not overwatered. this i went from zero success to about 98 percent, i had so many i was the one finally handing out clones.
  12. dogglet forever

    Your way of CLONING

    i bought this for the heating pad but the whole thing worrks really really well!
  13. dogglet forever

    do you leave leaves ?

    i prefer to manicure when dry just cause i like to sample while cutting i do trim the monster leaves before going into the dry cabinet.
  14. dogglet forever

    my mother is bleeding RED after topping

    haha man! this freaked me out when i first seen it... its the color of your metabolized nutes following through your plant... heres a pic of mine! if you flushed then topped the liquid would be clear.
  15. dogglet forever

    What are you smokin >_<
  16. dogglet forever

    What are you smokin >_<

    i picked a 1/4 of this tex mex shit for 15$ today gonna smoke some mango blunts
  17. dogglet forever

    can a male ruin a future crop?

    only if sacks opened before you got it out
  18. dogglet forever

    20 pounds a month

    you'd go crazy trimming all that weed by yourself.
  19. dogglet forever

    Plant condition after 5 day trip - brown/yellow leaves?

    you just thinned the herd a little!