First of all if your going to use 2 gallon pots... use 2 galllon grow bags that are worth about a quarter. I suggest you use 3 gallon pots when veging for two weeks and 2gallons for veg 1 week.
round pots are preferd for 3 gallons because your going to have to sprend them out when you veg for...
hey you might need bigger pots. 1 gal per 1 foot. you should veg them a max two weeks and start flowering.
you have a good setup so make it work.
4flow? its usual 6-9weeks( 42-65 days)of flowering+veg... dont bud for less then that for indicas( unless ripe!! 60%+red/orange) but sativa can go a...
The beds are 10 inches deep with 8inches of dirt. Your sappose to fill it full of the dirt mix i explained earlyer and water really good with plain water before you plant(make sure you have good drainage). That will bring the soil level to roughly 8 inches.. Plant and then give them 2oz Auisse...
hahah no no its 2lights a bed haha 4x4 per light 3 beds.
and they are given a hyrdoponic recipe to the exact ph in the water, fed nutes twice a week and water once
For soil i mix bat shit(2 rare earth containers), 1 large worm castings,1 rare earth silicon,500gs oxycal(perbed),3bags of pro-mix ph.
4hps 1000
2mh 1000
no c02
a bed is a table
"The thing with SOG in soil is you never get the root mass to support big buds like hydro"
hey buddy for organic it is best to do it in beds and mix it with coco peat or promix. i do mine in tables that are 4'x8' and plant 70 in each bed. veg for a week and your off to buds
run your lights at night or get one of those heaters that pushes hot air. avoid the heaters that make light. and cover the little red light on the heater/
i dont use seeds..yet, i prefer clones. much quiker when doin sog.. shorter veg tacked on to an 56 day flower for the bubba. maybe they didnt hermi..would it still prolong the flowering because of the light change??
Us canadians prefer the 1k's. since im kind of a rookie im seeing what...
definit heat burn. when they are in veg a 1000 needs to be at least 18 inches from the canopy. When they are flowering lower the light to about 12-14inch from the tops and continue to raise them as they grow. Thats not rust its folage burn. i would take those leafs off because they are diease...
try flushing it with a qaurter strenght nute mix and make shure there is drain holes because your going to soak it. give it three cups water per cup of soil when you flush.
you didnt put them in flowering? you might want to transplant into bigger pots and maybe invest in a better light
turn the lights off untill your normal time. That way they wont be getting light now. They will return bak to there normal light cycle later. It only matters when the light cycle is right, not so much the dark cycle so. some people do 18hour days 12 on and 6 off and they still get bud... i...
does it look like two seperate flowers? its hard to tell from the picture. If the pistils are coming out of the nut things then your ok. but if there are on the side of them or around them you should pull that plant before you seed your whole crop.
Hey i was wondering if my plants went back into the veg state from the timer not turning the lights off?. For three days the timer did that and it got replaced. Its a timer board with 8 240 plugs which 6 of them being used for 4hps and two Mh covering three soilbeds 4x8 and few ;) bubba kush...