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  1. dirt clean

    Man, I am idiot about the bugs it seems.:(

    yeah rite aid dirt is pretty nice. I was damned surprised when I saw that right had premium organic soil. Well, it is not fox farms but it is pretty nice. home depot soil had weeds and mushrooms but no gnats. I got the gnats from compost food. I also got 30 fly strips or so for liek 10...
  2. dirt clean

    Where ya been? Organic. White Widow Skunk, Lr2, Widow Cindy.

    oh yeah, I have considerd planting garlic, I have not gotten to planting anything that grows under ground yet. I will soon as I love all that. ;) my girls, lol I luv 'em, under the MH right after switch. I have fresh pics 8 hours later, I just have to go in and take them. They have already...
  3. dirt clean

    Where ya been? Organic. White Widow Skunk, Lr2, Widow Cindy.

    Thanks IronHead. About the bugs. I forgot to mention that I solved that problem using professional neem oil and other inactive, probably soap, product from rite aid. I did a soil drench and overnight it worked. Also off eBay I got these fly strips, like...
  4. dirt clean

    Magnesium?? (pics)

    what is your ph? I bet it is off. That would cause lock out.
  5. dirt clean

    Make some wine, and C02 at the same time!

    i have wanted to know this forever. to bad i am cirrotic now, but what the hell, I needs me co2, lol. + rep
  6. dirt clean

    Make some wine, and C02 at the same time!

    i have wanted to know this forever. to bad i am cirrotic now, but what the hell, I needs me co2, lol. + rep
  7. dirt clean

    Where ya been? Organic. White Widow Skunk, Lr2, Widow Cindy.

    Pics today to come. I have reavaluted my grow. I cant stand letting these LR2 take all the room. I have moved them to the outsides of the tent and placed my killer wws and wc, two huge girls to be in 7 gallons some real veg time. I have replaced the hps with the mh and have got it all...
  8. dirt clean

    I could use any feedback. LR2 probs.

    Hey all, I am running some lr2 while my other girls veg. However I am looking at over a 5 week veg almost for these LR2 and no flower. They are maturing faster than the other girls I can see that and nothing. I have dropped the ph and upped the P. I am in all organic soil. Also I have tried...
  9. dirt clean

    Where ya been? Organic. White Widow Skunk, Lr2, Widow Cindy.

    i waterd ph adjusted water to my plants. I had high ph do to the dolomite lime. I added some low ph ro water. the change a day later is phenomonal. The affected plant has grown massively.
  10. dirt clean

    Miracle Grow organic soils

    go blue mountain organics. it is the perfect tea in a bottle. Using a tbsp a gallon or two you will make a grow using their full line for only 25 dollars. nice, guano laden shit. Bacteria is their aim too.
  11. dirt clean

    Finally, lol, some nice literature for MJ growing, A MAG!

    man, reading all this gardening I feel like I have been set free from the nute companys and their charts. I cant wait a few months down the line when I can compare maybe a pure blend pro grow to a bmo tea grow. Maybe a bag of fox famrs to my diy and see how much diference there can be. Give me...
  12. dirt clean

    Quick question about this soil! PLZ HELP!

    home depot has plenty of organic cheap safe dirt. They got real cheap Kellogs organic Soil and another product their organic compost for 7 dollars a 3 cubic foot. That is a bale, that is huge! Also another brand with the steer manure mixed in, in a white bag called earth or safe grow...
  13. dirt clean

    Ohso and subcool converted anotherone.

    That sounds awesome. I agree. Hey have you been doing reading about gardening now like a mad mad? I did my first crop in hydro. Used Gh flora nova three part. Lol, I had no idea what I was feeding or what the hell NPK was for. I mean basics, yeah, but no clue. Once I learned the...
  14. dirt clean

    Uses of Super Plant Tonic

    Hey, just some info I picked up. More foam and bubbles means a fungi tea I think I read. Also If you bubble past a day the bacteria population increases. More Molesasses will equal more bacteria. They love to eat that N that the molassess gives. I hate spelling molasses. I think this is...
  15. dirt clean

    Where ya been? Organic. White Widow Skunk, Lr2, Widow Cindy.

    well I was promising some pics. here they are. also some more LR2 news. I pulled the one girl I had in 24 hours of darkness to see if she would flower and I noticed nothing. That is not to say her clock is not moving diferent yet. I however feel these girls have another few weeks till week...
  16. dirt clean

    Seed Bank Question:

    ok, i trusted these guys and I am gonna confess i am prob being a bit early here. It has been about 5 weeks. My LR2 have not begun to flower yet. I have tried everything. They are almost three feet high! They are huge, they have begun to outgrow their 3 gallon pots. wow, they are a mystery. I...
  17. dirt clean

    Fox Farm OF

    well that is what I did. lol, glad it worked. I just heard I would not have too. Glad I did anyway. I cant resist my teas. I am haveing some probs from adding extra dolomite. I added 2 handfuls of dolomite rocks to ocean forest with lightwarrior. Ph is like 8 so i dropped it. No real probs...
  18. dirt clean

    Where ya been? Organic. White Widow Skunk, Lr2, Widow Cindy.

    ok, ok, ok, oics tonight for sure. i am sick and lazy. i decided to go back to the basics and found that high ph is indeed playing a factor and that P Chart of the Effect of Soil pH on Nutrient Availability is prob locked out of my LR2. So i gonna fix that with some ph down in my water...
  19. dirt clean

    Fox Farm OF

    yeah. i have learned in organic and fox farms that they mean it when they say your plant should not need any nutes in veg. I royally fucked up my lr2 with niteingeven though they were in fox farms. the foc farms website actually says dont worry about fert in veg. trust. or try one plant...
  20. dirt clean

    marijuana vending machine

    Shit, I bet you could get a vending machine for under a grand, matbe way less used. Stock your living room with your buds. lol. I bet mose guys are single middle aged males with some disposable income. But what would be even funnier would be too play a high priced prank and put one up...