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  1. dirt clean


    for eggshells as a source of calcim boil like 10 eggshells in a pot of water for 15 minutes. Then add a couple quarts to 5 gallons of water. Or you can crush the eggshells very fine, like 10, and sprinkle them and topdress them into each pot. Should do the trick.
  2. dirt clean


    Lol, I hate to bear bad tidings, but this may be why it is not often discussed. I just read a study page 24 middle of page "Earth Worm Ecology" by CLive Arthur Edwards. The link ruins this page, it is stretched. It says that the earthworms in small pots did good against decreasing the bad fungi...
  3. dirt clean

    only blackstrap molasses or any mollasses would be ok ?

    hey i just read that coir is bad for negative fungi and such but it is good for benficials as they will eat it. I am reading more. . .
  4. dirt clean

    only blackstrap molasses or any mollasses would be ok ?

    shit, I thought that cocoa was ok and that only peat was anti microbial. I am making castings in cocoa too. I am big on bacteria. Sorta need that!
  5. dirt clean


    dude I have to say it is iffy in a small pot. That worm might just eat through your roots in a small pot. While worm castings are awesome, I have a 5 tray system that I advise you to get, I have had plants hermi from root damage. I would not do it unless I found hard evidence this was a good...
  6. dirt clean

    mother plant soil

    just water is what you want to do. in the time release scots maybe more. I doubt it. Dont feed before 30 days at least if it is nuted, I would say.
  7. dirt clean

    Couldn't Pay For Elite membership

    I paid 2 donations to the elite society. I am still waiting for mine. I paid for 2 by mistake. It would be cool to donate another one to OHSOGREEN as he has helped so much in going organic. Lots of posts. LOl. So still waiting and if ya can donate one membership since I bought two, that would...
  8. dirt clean

    Bossman88188 gdp medical grow

    I hope you get the mold worked out man. The humidity cant be that bad around here. Check out craigs list for an ozone generator, 50$, what could it hurt. I love mine. IDK if that actually helps with mold. Just that they are used for that and I ramble. Always go for more lights. GO Lumatek, I...
  9. dirt clean

    help me with flying bugS...+++ for all help

    LADYBUGS NEEM OIL SAND IN POT WATER LESS FLY STRIPS Personally ladybugs did the most for me.
  10. dirt clean

    mother plant soil

    if you want to get facny get worm castings and coir and molasses. mix the worm castings into the soil along with some coir. To feed make teas. Add a tbsp I think a gallon of RO water only. Then add a tbsp of molasees a gallon. Then add 1-2 tbsp of worm castigns a gallon. THen add a cup of...
  11. dirt clean

    mother plant soil

    just grab some good soil, and some good compost. Mix that with some perlite until light. Get organic soil for like 5-7 dollars in the back of home depot. Grab some of their alaska fish emulsion 5-1-1 OMRI from their fertliser section. They are famous for having it. You will be able to find...
  12. dirt clean

    Oatmeal for nitrogen?

    i googled man and no one was using it. it sucks thenitrogen outa the ground to grow tho. idk, lol/
  13. dirt clean

    Oatmeal for nitrogen?

    I wonder about the water retention. Can u waste a plant? Are you that hard up for N. I will google it for you man, lol. Any poops around? Can u vermi compost. I just watched that stoner from terra cycle tell the green channel that they like bread, anyway, what if it congeals? cooks?
  14. dirt clean

    The Three - Amazing Shits....

    2 tbsp a gallon of guano to get the NPK on the bag. Also make sure you add that 1 tbsp molasses a gallon. Make sure you give it at least 24 hours to bubble. Also worm castings are awesome, the fresher the better. I bought a worm farm and the fresh castings do miracles. I would through in a few...
  15. dirt clean

    beating the led horse to death

    i just bought a 4 th generation tri band ufo. i will be using it to veg three plants for 2 months in 7 gallons. Then they move to HID HPS. I hope that the ufo will be enough, i got a good auction deal. I will be keeping my journal updated.
  16. dirt clean

    anybody grown in a closet that they cant modify

    I say get a tent that size or build one. With an enclosed place where no heat can hide, meant to vent, like a tent the cooling gets 100% easier. That is what I did.
  17. dirt clean

    air conditioner questions

    out your light on a seperate circuit? At first I would have sugested to use the cold air to just pull through the light then recycle that air back into the room. That will work, but then you have to recool everything down again. This might be ok, after all, once it gets cold it wont be...
  18. dirt clean

    Where ya been? Organic. White Widow Skunk, Lr2, Widow Cindy.

    Wow, this is rofl, not just lol, rofl. I got another tool for my grow room today. I did not expect this. Give the opiates some credit but give the magic of the eBay auction some too. I bought the 4th generation Tri Band UFO. 70 red leds, 10, orange leds, 10 blue leds. 90 watts, 3 built in...
  19. dirt clean

    Making Tea - is EZ.... & Cheap !

    wow, I got some good news. I was adding fresh worm compost and the extra bacterial action was noticable. Plus, HD compost, plus 1 tbsp molasses a gallon, plus super plant tonic, plus well you get the point I had the first tea ever of mine start to bubble. Bubbles not from the airstone. A nice...
  20. dirt clean

    Opinions on a UFO to veg 3, or HID.

    For identity purposes i have delleted that post/ i will tell you this i hope the thing works, i bought it. First rule, even if legal not a good idea if anyone finds out. Lol. No paranoia just high.