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  1. spitsbuds

    No transplanting and pot size

    its all personal choice that can be effect by many things. but i go straight fro there germination cubes(root riots) straight into 5 gallon post where they stay till chop. edit no idea why its posted it twice sorry op
  2. spitsbuds

    No transplanting and pot size

    its all personal choice that can be effect by many things. but i go straight fro there germination cubes(root riots) straight into 5 gallon post where they stay till chop.
  3. spitsbuds

    Leaf tips are browning, strange spots....

    op could un answer a few q. as im finding it hard to believe that there is not enough mag it that medium from the nutes and any left over from the mg. so maybee lock out idk as it look like mag but ummm.. what water are u using and what strength nutes i know u dont have a meter but what ratio...
  4. spitsbuds

    Leaf tips are browning, strange spots....
  5. spitsbuds

    Leaf tips are browning, strange spots....

    looks like mag deff to me. what strain is it a white strain. also you're using the an range. so you would be better of using there sensi bloom cal/mag. but remember less is more with this stuff. i never go over 200 ppm for ww in coco and white strains do love secondary nutes as much and...
  6. spitsbuds

    ARGH! Just as i'm about to harvest

    some close up pics of many different types. there np i get them quite a lot in coco towards the last 2 weeks
  7. spitsbuds

    ARGH! Just as i'm about to harvest

    one sec i get you some info on them
  8. spitsbuds

    ARGH! Just as i'm about to harvest

    if so there spring tails n are qiute beneficial they eat up fungi/mold. but a mojor infestation can be a problem
  9. spitsbuds

    ARGH! Just as i'm about to harvest

    were they in the run of/trays and di they seem to jump to another part of the run of. like the vanished if u tried touching one
  10. spitsbuds

    Confirm my diagnosis...?

    well said monkeybones. nute burn lol lol. also op it might be nothing but in the 2nd lot of pics a lot of them spots are on the leafs veins. might b worth looking for bugs to and listen to monkeybones
  11. spitsbuds

    Are these White Widows ready

    u could chop in 2 if you really want
  12. spitsbuds

    Are these White Widows ready

    ye give her 3 more weeks. so hold of on flushing yet. if you like to flush give her at least a good 14 days before u do. also the last 4 to 7 days drop her to 8 hours light. helps draw the last bits of resin out of her. then u could give her 48 darks before the chop help frost up her finish...
  13. spitsbuds

    Help please dutch pro how much and when to add?? Head going to explode

    20 mill to each 10 liters min 30 mill every 10 liters max
  14. spitsbuds

    Long calyx's

    could u post a pic hotshot id love to see this mate
  15. spitsbuds

    Are these White Widows ready

    ive grown ww for many years. tried most breedrs versions ect and tried blue widow lol wow what a joke that strain is. very unstable. like above said said just look youre trichs. you want 10 percent amber. i wouldn't go over that unless youre making ash then aim for 30 percent amber max. but this...
  16. spitsbuds

    3 finger leaves 5 finger leaves

    im not hundred 100 percent sure on this. but late in flowering i drop my light to under eight hours. so the plant no longer produces flower. this just drags the last bits of resin out of here to protect the flowers she as. i just dont now if this will apply to a plant starting to flower. should...
  17. spitsbuds

    I can't figure out why one of my plants are super yellow

    itnesive. doesnt molasses contain rhizoshpere and is very beneficial to the soil and micro life. wouldn't have that just help youre problem
  18. spitsbuds

    I can't figure out why one of my plants are super yellow

    could u please take a pic away from the hps. carnt tella thing. see a few burnt tips
  19. spitsbuds

    Do you worry about print's on planters at grow's that lack a permit?

    get some latex gloves if youre that worried. still do everything that needs doing in plastic gloves
  20. spitsbuds

    canna nute user looking for advise

    ive used canna range in there coco for some yeras now.. the boost yes its very expensive. but do remember if youre using boost to try and boost yield. it would be cheaper to go a d by an ounce and check it in the final weight you get a bit more and lot the boost provides carbs and...