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  1. spitsbuds

    Vannilla kush.. lost as to what to do here

    youre new growth looks quite healthy, but as its grows out you can see that the tips of the leafs are starting to yellow. so its a deff. like above said. also looks like n to. what soil u in and before i say go for the fert youre not in coco are u
  2. spitsbuds

    Leaves Browning and red stems

    nitrozym is good for setting of new growth areas. i love the stuff for my mothers. but it an clog up the stomatas making it hard for the plant to transpire . make sure you rinse / mist the plants with plain water after application. also did u does this with lights off also checking run-of for ph...
  3. spitsbuds

    Tiny Black seed looking things at week 8 of Flower!!!!!! WTF

    ty for info im always taking notes on how to beat bugs. these spots im not to sure tbh. im juts looking round here and few other sites to try and find some info. but no matter how you word the key words needed into google it always give u post about black dots that re spider mites. i try again...
  4. spitsbuds

    Tiny Black seed looking things at week 8 of Flower!!!!!! WTF

    i know its a bit of topic op. but how did u finally beat the mites and im sorry to hear you lost 5. if only god owd mi a favor i rid the earth of them little b****** lol
  5. spitsbuds

    new day new problem

    ive never grown in ff or hf. i grow in coco. but imo the time release nutes have just burnt youre plant. youre showing all the classics signs. also you have nitrogen burn between youre veins. also you might have a nute sensitive strain. what strain is it. but like above said just water and she...
  6. spitsbuds

    Please Help. Weird Problem...

    why u giving youre coco plain water. you will wash away all the beneficial micro life not to mention the damage you will have done to youre coco buffers. youre problem may lay there
  7. spitsbuds

    humidity dome vent question

    no dont put you're electric thermometer in you're done the rh will mess it up. ive fell for it. my rh went over 100 percent. good by meter. i know use an small old mercury one with a small plastic rh meter. i got them both for a quid each
  8. spitsbuds

    Flowering Plant turning yellow and flowers smelling weird... help?

    no there is no point transplanting. might cause stress. also youre plants are concentrating on flower production not roots. they will only grow new roots to replace dead/dying roots. ye its nice for them to strecth out. also if it was that/ root bound/ daily watering/feeding with run of and low...
  9. spitsbuds


    better threat to identify them
  10. spitsbuds


    ive had them a few times in my coco in the last 2 weeks. like above stated there are beneficial. as long as its not an infestation and then there just a pain more than anything. sudden jumps in humidity say 20rh like pm. also the bottom of pots were it can saty wet/moist most of the time...
  11. spitsbuds

    My 2 Barney's farm Blue cheese

    ive no exp with barnys farm chesse strains. but it just looks like you have 2 different pheonos. take cuttings of both thou. you never know how there going to react through different stages of growth
  12. spitsbuds

    Flowering Plant turning yellow and flowers smelling weird... help?

    with out pics(and bit more info with pics) there is not much i dare say, as it sounds serious and i dont want to give any info that might make the problem worst. but check you're roots for root rot
  13. spitsbuds

    Is this a nute deficiency ?

    maybe maybe slight over fert.but on the bottom of the plant umm.. but to be sure u could post a pic of all the plant and any info would be great about nutes ect
  14. spitsbuds


    when you took the plant of youre friend did you put it in fresh soil and if so how long ago. she deff going to need the bloom nutes for flowering
  15. spitsbuds

    how horrible is it to veg with hps

    op these days modern hps lights are duel spectrum. i use my sunmaters 600 watts from day 12 of the plants life to finish here what they cam do from start to finsih
  16. spitsbuds

    Normal or exhast fans used?

    imo rhino carbon filters are the best ive tried. tried phat filters and mountain fresh. if youre in uk/europe. i use these for all my supplies.(as there one round the corner) there a good solid hydro store. but like most . you can find the same product cheaper if you look around. but here is the...
  17. spitsbuds

    Has anybody ever made bubble hash out of buds?

    as long as u got youre bubblebags youre good to go. watch subcools video on utube about how to make bubble ash. simple process u need youre bags and some ice and water and some skiff or dried buds.
  18. spitsbuds

    shocked during flowering

    always remember the golden rule. mother nature knows best. never remove any leafs.
  19. spitsbuds

    nutrient deficiency rapidly affecting plants

    youve nitrogen burn. thats for sure. the warping could be a lock out due to overfert of n. u can use sugar mix with water to help tie up the extra n. cart remember the ratios. its on here or google it
  20. spitsbuds

    Advice needed for new sativa grow by newbie

    ye lose the dome at kepe them at 50 to 60 percent rh and lightly mist or the first few days to help with the big drop in rh. basically a breaking in peroid. i lose my dome as soon as the break ground and r starting to straighten up and showing the first leafs.. cotyledons.also seedling are...