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  1. spitsbuds

    Serious Chronic: Week 8 of Flower...whats wrong???

    they have done real well for they have had to work with from amount of roots they probably have, think of it in them terms, more roots more growth, everything else look spot on from youre room to youre over health of youre plants, so next time find a way the suits you youre style, so youre...
  2. spitsbuds

    Expert Opinion Needed - Issue Involving Light Cycle

    same as coho, but lol how many times i did that, as i like to be there when i turn of and on, ye i use timmers, but still like to be there to set the temps/air ect for the night time and then back for the day etc, so now i just were a watch with alarm that goes of no matter what, at turn on/of...
  3. spitsbuds

    name change request!

    classic lol
  4. spitsbuds

    Tobacco Mosaic Virus? Nute burn? PH? Thanks!

    youre temps are slightly low, it will effect the relocation/movement of nute with in the plant, also anything below 72, higher the chnace of triggering of mold, i dont know about youre nute range, but looks like nute burn and are you meant to to run veg and flowering nutes together at that...
  5. spitsbuds

    Leaf issue, Think they grew too close to the light.. Pics

    1st pic 3rd finger from the right looks like a scorch mark/burn form the light/heat, the rolling of the the tip as well, probably just grown to close to the light, the rapid veg growth catch you out
  6. spitsbuds

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    np. let me know when youve done it, send me a message and a have look for you and help if i can, ive just got to pop of 30 mins or so and i check back
  7. spitsbuds

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    i carnt see the pics, one sec i go refresh and reload the page
  8. spitsbuds

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    we've not got super powers growingguru
  9. spitsbuds

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    OSAMAbinSMOKIN pic one look like n claw, for to much nitrogen, quite common round week 3 of flower, when the stretch is over
  10. spitsbuds

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    you still need the 200 ppm of cal/mag, you can run 150 during first few weeks, as some cal/mag vary in there ratios, also if if the strain allows it and also depepnding if you're starting tap water if its tap as calium and mag carbanate, as this form is more or less unsable by the plants, as...
  11. spitsbuds

    Is this bud doomed or just frosty?

    its seems to be spread me equal round the whole bud, not from bunches of calxys and it does not appear to be working from the inside out, so it says broken trichs to me,,get a microscope or maybe a good magnifying glass would do it, i use a microscope so im not to sure what strength magnifying...
  12. spitsbuds

    Where do you get marijuana seeds? try popping in here, you wont be disappointed
  13. spitsbuds

    white widow 19 days old

    they look very well grown, good work and gl with the rest, if there is anything i can help with to do with the ww, let me know, ib more than willing to help out, i grow the strain for some years, i do miss her which of the many breeders lol did you get her from
  14. spitsbuds

    pictures of my 1st grow room

    could i ask about you're reflector, is it a normal reflector you get on a hps light or/kit and have youve taken away the bulb fitting and then attached the reflector to the the cool tube, if so great idea, im going to go have a go at that now, if not you've just give me a great idea that been...
  15. spitsbuds

    New cal/mag

    nitrogen 2.5 potassium oxide calcium oxide 4.9 mag oxide 2.5 and small traces of the others iron molybdenum zinc or and phosphorous pentoxide apart from that ive no idea, dont look to bad in that sense,i just was curios how it might react with the coco and i used AN cal/mag before and there is...
  16. spitsbuds

    New cal/mag Hi all As anyone tried this version of cal/mag, as the local hydro store have stopped selling the cal/mag i used, i grow in canna coco and there line, if any one as tried this and have any feed back it would be great. I get slightly...
  17. spitsbuds

    Ice, Cold, Room, or Hot

    ive no idea but i give it a shot later, so i can have a nice smoke then and post up what i thought , and ty
  18. spitsbuds

    How to get seeds to sprout in rockwool and when to transplant into dwc??

    i use the same method but with root riots, about same germ rate to,
  19. spitsbuds


    ive just had a peaky look at you're profile, why you posting the same question over and over all day in different sections, as people have answered to
  20. spitsbuds

    Nute burn!

    ye it take 3 to 7 days for the full amount of damage that,s been done to surface, how badly did you over fert