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  1. Haze the maze

    First RDWC grow and just looking for feedback

    Hey I hope you got enough feedback. If you like you could check out My grow.and ask questions. Happy to answer. I direct most of My questions to groweedeasy that website is My bible. It answers all of My questions!!! My garden is doing really well right now. I am growing in GH Flora Nova...
  2. Haze the maze

    Cropking Bubba Kush and Early Vixen 315W CMH

    Na, like I said the roots were average in size and were not into the other plants roots.
  3. Haze the maze

    First RDWC grow and just looking for feedback

    You could do like a double cover over your res. If I'm not mistaken that is aluminum tape. If it is... aluminum transfers heat really well! I have been using mylar for My tops. It just needs a little bit of spray glue. Like a super light dusting and it sticks. The mylar is survival blanket from...
  4. Haze the maze

    Cropking Bubba Kush and Early Vixen 315W CMH

    One new home.... The roots on both plants are of a similar mass as the top of the plant and looked very healthy. I have the lamp at about 20 inches just to start. I'll have to go back to an old journal to see where I have set this thing It's a 400 watt HPS running @ 75% Enjoy the...
  5. Haze the maze

    Cropking Bubba Kush and Early Vixen 315W CMH

    Some pics under the HPS hue, together. Last pic
  6. Haze the maze

    Cropking Bubba Kush and Early Vixen 315W CMH

    Did this shit today after work....
  7. Haze the maze

    What is The Least Time Consuming Method Of Indoor Growing?????

    Yes on a larger scale that's true. On a small scale all you need is a rubbermaid tote, a air pump and stone. Two air pumps and you have redundancy. One 14 gal. tote will easily grow a Lb. and is pretty simple to operate with somewhat low maintenance. That could get you through a couple of days...
  8. Haze the maze

    What is The Least Time Consuming Method Of Indoor Growing?????

    RDWC is more complicated than DWC I only used the recalculation till I had roots down into the water But ,that is not necessary at all! Some don't even bother with the water pump and just use the air bubblers to wet the roots of there plants till they drop.
  9. Haze the maze

    315W CMH SIngle Plant DWC SCROG.

    Oh Herk looks like We are going to the moon...5.. lift off.
  10. Haze the maze

    Why is it necessary to put 3 inch seedlings under 18/6 ?

    If you are lucky and you don't over or under water they will take off. Good luck with your baby's. I like them. Peace:peace:
  11. Haze the maze

    Cropking Bubba Kush and Early Vixen 315W CMH

    Definitely two different phenoms side by side. I'll split them apart soon.
  12. Haze the maze

    Cropking Bubba Kush and Early Vixen 315W CMH

    Changed water PPM @ 600 I have been busy building a new grow area and will get some photo's soon. lights out so used flash just after dark.
  13. Haze the maze

    315W CMH SIngle Plant DWC SCROG.

    Yes please do that. I feel for you. This is why these growing journals are so important for us. The knowledge gained from the wins and the un-fortune will help all who read on.
  14. Haze the maze

    315W CMH SIngle Plant DWC SCROG.

    I would normally not suggest anything for your grow as you obviously know what you are doing but, here goes. I don't think your roots are going to be able to support the growth above them now. You might need to remove some of the beautiful growth up top early to protect your flowers from...
  15. Haze the maze

    315W CMH SIngle Plant DWC SCROG.

    Aw that sucks. I hope it comes back for you.
  16. Haze the maze

    Cropking Bubba Kush and Early Vixen 315W CMH

    Ya, They are growing fast now. The bigger one needs to start with training in it's own room. It's about 12" now so perfect for the screen. I can start turning the tops down and finish with about 12-14" of room under the screen. As you can see from My last grow, I never got a chance to use My...
  17. Haze the maze

    Why is it necessary to put 3 inch seedlings under 18/6 ?

    seedlings will not go into flower. Ha Ha unless they are autos. This one started in 2 weeks. all I need to do is dry, wrap in paper and smoke LOL
  18. Haze the maze

    Cropking Bubba Kush and Early Vixen 315W CMH

    Ya lots of plant matter in there now and tops to weave with. The two of them are now sucking up 1/2 gal. a day, nutes. @ 440PPM and have been in the DWC's for about 18 days. It looks like they are about 50 days old give or take a day. I will separate the sisters soon but, have not built the new...