that might work... with the computer fans, you could hang them with string to blow a few different ways maybe? AA batts can get expensive for something that has to run 24/7.
thanks! Im very pleased so far. I have been thinking about if i should trim or not. I think i might just let them do there thing... and if i really need to trim, i then will.
i have thought about it... might try panty hose before the bulb. but, as long as you keep up on it. it shouldnt be a problem. it takes 2mins to clean it. its really the least of my worries.
my fan runs 24/7... my scrubber is homemade, it DOES work with my 3'x3'x8' room. the tube had gotten a bit dusty, i cleaned it a week ago and i figure ill have to clean it every few weeks.