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  1. slingblade

    Best Bud/Plant Shot Contest

    how do i get my armageddon in on the action it will be ready in 3weeks
  2. slingblade

    i use a cannon 7.1 for pics not to bad bud pics are blurry on the hair mass any tips chek out my...

    i use a cannon 7.1 for pics not to bad bud pics are blurry on the hair mass any tips chek out my big bud armageddon power sk n others
  3. slingblade

    hey man can you id a hermie need help nice plants

    hey man can you id a hermie need help nice plants
  4. slingblade

    yea that will rock 1 plant start 2 might be male

    yea that will rock 1 plant start 2 might be male
  5. slingblade

    there getting 1 or 2 inches a day there almost 3 weeks n big

    there getting 1 or 2 inches a day there almost 3 weeks n big
  6. slingblade

    with that light 3 small plants try indica strains they keep compact use bush master look at my...

    with that light 3 small plants try indica strains they keep compact use bush master look at my new pics
  7. slingblade

    yea asap 6 to weeks left im crossing my super skunk with armadeddon power skunk should kill as...

    yea asap 6 to weeks left im crossing my super skunk with armadeddon power skunk should kill as you can see i got the dank going good with bushmaster at 3 weeks some are 4 months
  8. slingblade

    well every 4 days i put up new pics today there big i got them out in put them in the room so...

    well every 4 days i put up new pics today there big i got them out in put them in the room so you can see the buds better im using over or close to 2000 watts of 2700k the bloom spectrum
  9. slingblade

    i got some like that bomb but no smell few good light undertones 2hitter quitter im growing next...

    i got some like that bomb but no smell few good light undertones 2hitter quitter im growing next time got good seeds my sk1 armageddon wwidow w rhino are in 3 week
  10. slingblade

    no lights i have to many 400 ele bill there getting real big new pics

    no lights i have to many 400 ele bill there getting real big new pics
  11. slingblade

    comact flouresents cfl at 1.49 ea

    comact flouresents cfl at 1.49 ea
  12. slingblade

    Packed Growing Areas (Good or Bad)?

    i packed alot together cuts down on weight so thined out im using 2000 watt cfl
  13. slingblade

    hows the project just updated my stash pics

    hows the project just updated my stash pics
  14. slingblade

    well got them lights up

    well got them lights up
  15. slingblade

    cfl rules elect

    cfl rules elect
  16. slingblade

    Noob CFL question

    check out my new light invention 2000 watt 2700k 5600k cfl
  17. slingblade

    What to use to make them fatter {pics}

    thats the sheot
  18. slingblade

    My 1st CFL grow

    im glad to see pics people on here are scared
  19. slingblade

    im working on a photo album of every strain know to date just a plant id book heres a few

    im working on a photo album of every strain know to date just a plant id book heres a few
  20. slingblade

    well im new on this site so hey whats up im the only one who loads lots of pics on here i...

    well im new on this site so hey whats up im the only one who loads lots of pics on here i figured id see it all