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  1. dirt clean

    ~ Starting of New Group - RIU Soil/Organic Growers Guild!!

    Also I can throw away all the rockwool and grow supplies now with out a care. Lol, i was letting it pile up. So I am actually cool. ;] yeah, fruit flies are called vinegar flies and they infest fast. But a cup of vinegar will catch them quick. Also I am using neem oil with some garlic...
  2. dirt clean

    ~ Starting of New Group - RIU Soil/Organic Growers Guild!!

    thanks man. When I got my card the doctor I went to was a mmj specialist. They also have a free lawyer already set up. I called him to ask what was up, he told me that it was amazing they did not take my plants, but it has happened. He said sometimes they call again for a follow up, sometimes...
  3. dirt clean

    ~ Starting of New Group - RIU Soil/Organic Growers Guild!!

    well hello all, some news, I am medical, so when the cops came to initially check on some loud noise, and I had no prob showing them my grow. I had mixed feelings and shit but they said they were going to enter and I had to let them. I was just rushing out the door and loaded on morphine and...
  4. dirt clean

    BMO nutes

    I can do a pbp pro and BMO comparison on white widow skunk. Coming up when I harvest my lowrider 2. Also I can use bio Bizz. I told the cops when they came I was going three medical to flower. Lol. They said great! well, how about Pure blend pro and the full line of which I got all...
  5. dirt clean

    BMO nutes

    I would watch this. Only if you add in the foliar harmony to the flower power for bloom. To my self trained eyes the BMO is a far superior product than anything I can see on the market.
  6. dirt clean

    Lotsa of shit for me. Cops. County question. An accidental poppy.

    Ok so long story short the cops got to see my grow. lol. They wanna talk to me tomorrow. I cooperated fully. They complimented me. They said no prob. They called in anther dude they said for training purposes. He said I got lucky, he was a little tougher. He said he would have taken me...
  7. dirt clean

    ~ Starting of New Group - RIU Soil/Organic Growers Guild!!

    whoa, dude, termites? me? anyway, i hope not. I have added a glass of homeade tobasco sauce and another of apple cider vineagar with soap. I found this. To help control an existing fruit fly problem, try the following: 1. Remove rotten food from the bin when fruit flies are present. Fruit...
  8. dirt clean

    ~ Starting of New Group - RIU Soil/Organic Growers Guild!!

    thanks, i have noticed some bugs, maybe one or 2 in the tent now, i hope the lady bugs if any are left, they have disapeared in there, can dosomething. I will read about them. I have the dirt doctor favorited on the search I forgot, thanks. +rep.
  9. dirt clean

    ~ Starting of New Group - RIU Soil/Organic Growers Guild!!

    Also for fun, i have an outdor raised bed that drains, for reg herbs and veggies, and with my all organic soil and organic amendments, including soil drench with molasses and spt, the runoff is awesome!. I mean i collect it in a rubbermaid and collected it just sites there and develops foam...
  10. dirt clean

    ~ Starting of New Group - RIU Soil/Organic Growers Guild!!

    by the way long lizard you should aerate your tea. If you drop an airstone in their the aerobic bacteria population will skyrocket and these are the benficial critters you want to feed your plant. with no air anaerobic bacteria will form. thse are bad and will ultimately kill your plant. I...
  11. dirt clean

    ~ Starting of New Group - RIU Soil/Organic Growers Guild!!

    Hey all, i got a vermiculutre rubbermaid going with drainage holes and a loose paper lid with metal screens over it. I noticed that are little flies crawling all over the bins! Bugs are new to me and bad. I have ladybugs in my tent. These bugs just outside my grow room will get into the mj...
  12. dirt clean

    FF's Ocean Forest Soil, question.

    kinda an asshole dude, I had to look this up. I fig about 7 gallons per cubic foot. I would go bigger pots. Just a few dollars more could get you an ounce more. use at least 3 gallons. you can buy cheper dirt at home depot. Kellogs organic in the back. 8 dollars for 3 cubic feet. Same...
  13. dirt clean

    Leaves cupping and one plant turning yellow

    Dude the liquid on leaves is gonna kill them fast, lol. Like a mag glass. I saw barely any nute burn, Like you hit the back off point that is all. the leaf cup is from the heat. Some plants cannot tolerate ANYTHING over that 77 literally. Their sisters can do just fine. Keep it a little...
  14. dirt clean

    Lowryders not flowering after 32 days!

    haha, he all, I am having the same prob. dont do 12 and 12, I am sure you know, but it is fun to give advice. kill yeild. think about it. we can get as much light as we can onto the flower and it will still flower! That means bigger buds. Light = buds, so go at least 20/4 is what I am...
  15. dirt clean

    how can i force my 2 week in flowering plant back to veg!?

    I would go back to a 24/0 LIGHT SCHEDULE AND FEED IT veg nutes. People do it all the time to sex plants. It should be ok, hermies can happen. But also anytime. I dont know about out doors, but it sounds like with 13 hours it will just keeo flowering.
  16. dirt clean

    Just inherited a house with a good sized attic!

    yeah i can make 400 grams last.;)
  17. dirt clean

    lowryder 2 under 540watts t5 hydro

    just catching up, see you got seeds, that sucks. yeah, it seems ahuge waste but later you got seeds still to grow with. I seeded a bagseed and she is a front runner for tree number three in my setup. sexing her and some others. my lr2 pics are in my signature. Click the L in album. It is red...
  18. dirt clean

    Autoflower pictures thread! All variety's free to post!

    K, i am lazy with the pics. I will find your thread, put a line in your sig. Check my signature. The L in "album" is highlited red. Check that for my pics. 4 diferent growth patterns. IDK how many you go tbut I will find them. hehe, are you growin a hundred unsexed? my fems will leave...
  19. dirt clean

    Post Your Poetry

    TODAY, AFTER WORK.:joint: I took a drink again. I tried it a few nights ago. It is like a woman calling me To bed, each glass I Med myself cheap shots. I have to stop Here I am though again. Liver gone my fun “melded” I called the girl this sucks. I am bored Life is more fun. The garden...
  20. dirt clean

    Just inherited a house with a good sized attic!

    oh yeah, you can buy all this on craigslist al together by guys getting out of growing. dirt cheap.