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  1. max316420

    HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brown Spots and yellowing leaves...

    People assume that its always a calmag issue because the food companies have drilled it into people heads that plants don't like nitrogen during flowering but these food companies are fucking retarded and that is the root of your problem.. Give a few feedings of veg food with higher N content...
  2. max316420

    HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brown Spots and yellowing leaves...

    Just needs to be fed more nitrogen
  3. max316420

    Help save my harvest!

    got any pics?
  4. max316420

    Leaves are turning yellow

    good luck dude
  5. max316420

    Leaves are turning yellow

    I would keep giving bb, look at bb as more of an additive then a food. Helps roots and such. the 2 together work great. Just make sure you cut the bb down to like 1 tablespoon per gallon
  6. max316420

    Plant Problems...again

    needs more nitrogen, switched to bloom too early
  7. max316420

    Leaves are turning yellow

    Ya its fox farms veg food, great shit... That is the veg food I use. Upping the bigbloom won't really do much, get the grow big and feed with 1-2 teaspoons per gallon
  8. max316420

    Nutrient burn?

    take a pic of the whole plant
  9. max316420

    Leaves are turning yellow

    Do you have FF's grow big by any chance?
  10. max316420

    Leaves are turning yellow

    big bloom is just a catalyst, you need to get more of a "complete" food. Don't believe the hype that you have heard about N in flowering. Also I would get them fed quick cause bb is weak as hell and your gonna get more yellowing very soon..
  11. max316420

    Leaves are turning yellow

    Don't worry to much about the stems, but get her fed some N. What kind of food are you using?
  12. max316420

    Leaves are turning yellow

    give it more nitrogen
  13. max316420

    What is this? Leaves wilting away, bright yellow on outside

    I completely agree, keep up the veg nutes.. What kind of food are you using?
  14. max316420

    First grow Plant problems!Pics!

    Dis-reguard those comments and just feed them. The NH is fine your probably just feeding more on the lite side
  15. max316420

    N deficiency 8 days into 12/12????

    get your ppm meter and dose to around 700 ppm and then foliar feed with that.. How many plants do you have? And don't forget to subtract your waters starting ppm
  16. max316420

    yellow leaves brown sopts outdoor grow

    Needs food.............. what are you feeding them. That lady is HUNGRY
  17. max316420

    Are these ants harmful or helpful?

  18. max316420

    First grow Plant problems!Pics!

    and is it 5-1-1?
  19. max316420

    First grow Plant problems!Pics!

    how much food per gallon are you feeding them?
  20. max316420

    N deficiency 8 days into 12/12????

    Organics are usually waaaaay weaker then chemical foods. but your not reading your meter wrong, i know its scary to add more food because you mite burn them but get your ppm's up to the right level and your plants will love you for it. I tested ff grow big the other night and the recommend 2-3...