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  1. max316420

    First grow Plant problems!Pics!

    Looks like they are just underfed, neptunes harvest is great for foliar feeding but it stinks
  2. max316420

    First grow Plant problems!Pics!

    what are you feeding them? sorry got dizzy trying to read your post lol
  3. max316420

    N deficiency 8 days into 12/12????

    I would start with about half the recommended dose, but then again I don't believe what the bottles say anymore either lol. When you foliar feed make sure that your spraying both sides of the leaves
  4. max316420

    N deficiency 8 days into 12/12????

    What is the recommended feeding schedule on the bottle, I just did some testing and i found that 3 different food companies were completely off with their amounts.
  5. max316420

    N deficiency 8 days into 12/12????

    and if possible can you post some pics?
  6. max316420

    N deficiency 8 days into 12/12????

    Do you have a ppm meter?
  7. max316420

    N deficiency 8 days into 12/12????

    On one of my leafier strains Blueberry, I keep veg food going until the 4th week of flowering. I actually double my feeding ratio in flowering then in veg. I blame food companies for this yellowing epidemic because they always tell people to start using at first flowering. 1-2 feeding isn't...
  8. max316420

    N deficiency 8 days into 12/12????

    your getting the yellowing because your cutting your vegg food too soon.. Just look at it this way, when your plant flowers she is producing lots of new leaves right? well when you cut the N down then the plant has to rely on itself and stored N in order to feed it for new growth. I would foliar...
  9. max316420

    Burnt tips!?

    If you have veg food then i would recommend feeding with it. It will stop the yellowing
  10. max316420

    Burnt tips!?

    Your plant just needs to be fed, it's starting to eat the stored food from the leaves and thats why you see your leaves getting lighter because the plant is directing the food to the new budding parts..
  11. max316420

    Are these ants harmful or helpful?

    You gotta take a pic of that whole plant, I'm dying to see how big it actually is.
  12. max316420

    yellow spot on blue hash seedling

    I agree with ghetto, it looks great.. Just getting hungry
  13. max316420

    N deficiency 8 days into 12/12????

    Im not gonna argue with you, if you want my help then lets just drop this arguing. If not then someone else can help you.. Good luck
  14. max316420

    N deficiency 8 days into 12/12????

    Ok IMO the best way is to foliar feed with a food that is higher in nitrogen.. I can't stress this enough, people shouldn't stop using veg food until around the 2nd-3rd week of flowering. MJ still gobbles tons of N during flowering, especially early stages.. I guess my question to you would be...
  15. max316420

    N deficiency 8 days into 12/12????

    you also stated all I do is copy other people answers and re post them.. please show me where I have done this even 1 time?? Dude Ive been doing this for 10 years so i don't need to post anyone elses words. I try to help people on here because I truly love growing and every aspect about it, if...
  16. max316420

    want to build a small grow box no idea how

    Go to the search bar and type in DYI grow cab and lots of threads should come up
  17. max316420

    N deficiency 8 days into 12/12????

    Naw fuck bein nice, you claimed that your an experienced grower?? And you don't know one of the most basics parts of growing like how to provide more Nitrogen? Like I said your an asshole that probably shouldn't even be growing in the first place. How old are you 12? Lets come on here, ask for...
  18. max316420

    N deficiency 8 days into 12/12????

    Here is your question... well it's not really even a question.
  19. max316420

    N deficiency 8 days into 12/12????

    Alright I'm gonna try and be nice since you apparently don't remember what your wrote... You should go back and read your first post because in NO way do you ask what the "best" way to go about it was..... Next time word your questions right so your not misunderstood...
  20. max316420

    Plants wilting. Most likely Nitrogren toxicity. Help!!

    Doesn't look like the typical N burn