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  1. max316420

    Plant is still yellowing

    Not a N def, just not enough nitrogen... Try adding some veg whenever you feed with your bloom food or you can foliar feed with a veg food and that should stop the yellowing.. Thats not a ph issue. One feeding of higher nitrogen is not gonna be enough for the size of those ladies, keep the vegg...
  2. max316420

    25 days into flower. HELP!!!!

    I would back of the super bloom too, too much p
  3. max316420

    25 days into flower. HELP!!!!

    I think your lacking N, I know ff products very well and I know if your going by their schedule then your gonna get yellowing soon... They tell you to cut out Growbig at first flowering and that is WRONG. The plant still eats lots of nitrogen and tb doesn't provide enough at this stage of the...
  4. max316420

    25 days into flower. HELP!!!!

    Take a pic of the top parts of your ladies, if it's nutrient burn then that's where it will show up first... I don't see the tops effected tho but the pics arent that great
  5. max316420

    Purple Strains Turning Out Excessively Hairy

    How close your light is can be a factor and heat too... got any pics?
  6. max316420

    Young plants with yellow leaves and black patches

    too much verm and not enough soil
  7. max316420

    Sick plants!!!!

    but remember with promix your gonna have to feed right away cause it doesn't contain any food.. I just think you need to feed them
  8. max316420

    Sick plants!!!!

    what soil is that and have you fed them?
  9. max316420

    Day 12 Flowering, Serious wilt and yellowing! :(

    grow big is some good shit, will green em up nice and quick
  10. max316420

    Veg and Flower drobe

    anything is possible in this game
  11. max316420


    100 tooooo hot, the are cooking... You burnt them but just let them be and they will recover..
  12. max316420

    Day 12 Flowering, Serious wilt and yellowing! :(

    TRUE TRUE but i'm still willing to bet its a N issue, If he cuts the lower branches and he isn't providing enough nitrogen then the plant will eat from other parts of the plant
  13. max316420

    3 weeks into flowering new growth has the claw

    sorry dude didn't realize he was in hydro, btw your plants looks very beautiful..
  14. max316420

    Watering Issues

    It will work but just start lite and go from there
  15. max316420

    Please Help. I am SO confused

    can you post some pics?
  16. max316420

    Can Powdered drywall be used as a Calcium supplement? Rep given freely and Likes

    You should just use the real supplement, that's what their made for lol
  17. max316420


    Just back your lights off and post some pics
  18. max316420

    Watering Issues

    Don't overdue the N tho, too much and you will burn them... It's a thin line between love and hate lol
  19. max316420

    Watering Issues

    Root bound won't cause that, it's good to have bigger pots but not necessary. And next time add some dolomite lime to your soil if your worried about your ph but I can tell you that's not your problem. Your just lacking nitrogen
  20. max316420

    Day 12 Flowering, Serious wilt and yellowing! :(

    I wish this theory of cutting nitrogen at flowering would just GO AWAY... There would be alot less problems during flowering if these SO CALLED experts at the food companies would quit telling people to cut N at flowering...