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  1. max316420

    Plants Curling N Yellowing With Pics!!!

    I think you might have overfed them
  2. max316420

    Day 12 Flowering, Serious wilt and yellowing! :(

    99% of the time its due to the lack of nitrogen, alot of people tend to think it's magnesium but mj gobble tons of nitrogen during flowering... How do you think the plant is gonna produce all the new growth in flowering. It's eating stored N from the fan leaves
  3. max316420

    can anyone one help

    Looks like you topped it, I have topped too early in flowering before and that's what they ended up looking like... OR you have a light leak and they are reveggin
  4. max316420

    can anyone one help

    To me it looks like your lacking food and might possibly have spider mites... That blue color on the leaves might be from the genetics of the bb
  5. max316420

    3 weeks into flowering new growth has the claw

    Claw can also be caused by heat, his room may be in the 70's but how hot is it under his light?
  6. max316420

    3 weeks into flowering new growth has the claw

    I can tell you from experience that 400 is waaaaaay tooo low, i'm not saying your wrong but I have fed around that rate before and had severe underfeeding symts
  7. max316420

    3 weeks into flowering new growth has the claw

    I have been using advanced nutes for around 5 years and I can tell you it's some good shit, you might have just started using bloom food too early into flowering
  8. max316420

    3 weeks into flowering new growth has the claw

    Got a pic or pics?? Could be too close to lights, could be too much food, could be not enough food... A picture tells a thousand words
  9. max316420

    (N)I need some N

    make sure not to over do it and spray both sides of the leaves... It's called foliar feeding, quickest way to get them fed
  10. max316420


    You have some very nice looking ladies my friend.... My mouth is watering
  11. max316420


    You should think about investing in a hps light
  12. max316420

    Possible Nute Burn?

    I would say calcium
  13. max316420

    Blackstrap and nute Question

    No miracle grow is alright lol
  14. max316420

    Blackstrap and nute Question

    Most ferts will have at least trace amounts in it, there is about 100 different kinds of food you can use that are complete.. Just preference I guess
  15. max316420

    Please help! Seedling growing very slowly, not doing well - pics

    REALLY????? why don't you try and give it some food?? How much did you pay for that seed?
  16. max316420

    Please help! Seedling growing very slowly, not doing well - pics

    What kind of soil is that? Have you fed it anything?
  17. max316420

    3 weeks into flowering

    yup it's fixable, just give her some nitrogen and you will be fine
  18. max316420

    Brown spots on Lowryder 2, Day 42

    Problem is that your food doesn't have any N in it, and contrary to what you might have heard..... MARIJUANA GOBBLES A SHIT LOAD OF NITROGEN DURING FLOWERING.. I'm willing to bet that it started to yellow around then 2-4 week of flowering??
  19. max316420

    Brown spots on Lowryder 2, Day 42

    That my friend is a complete lack of nitrogen, feed them some veg food and you will be fine