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  1. skoooooot

    Ny First Sprout... Is it going to survive??? THOUGHTS????

    Thanks all... Shes looking good today... turning green! and.... her bag lady sister popped out of her cube this morning. Good thing I'm not home during the day. I would sit around and watch them grow!
  2. skoooooot

    My sprout... is it going to survive? Pic Attached

    Im trying... I would never have thought getting a seed to sprout would be so much trouble. I have all the goodies... MH / HPS lights, pumps, bins, fans, nutes... all ready to go... i just need some plants to take root.
  3. skoooooot

    My sprout... is it going to survive? Pic Attached

    I have it under 2 CFL's... one warm, one 6500K. I have one seed germing in a puck, 2 in paper towel... and a bag seed in rockwool. Im trying everything and anything to get some action. Thanks all!
  4. skoooooot

    Ny First Sprout... Is it going to survive??? THOUGHTS????

    Seed is a BC Seed... Strain... Chronic... PH is 6.0 - Distilled H20. The sprout is one day old. I germed the seed in paper towel / DVD case / Cable Box. I took the cube.... poured some distilled water... get it wet... and shook out the excess... till just damp. Placed the cube on the cable box...
  5. skoooooot

    My sprout... is it going to survive? Pic Attached

    This is a one day sprout.
  6. skoooooot

    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    Hey So after about 3 week of trial and lots of errors... This is what i got... A sprout? Does it look right? Look healthy? I just moved her under a CFL. Keeping her moist... and the plan is to move her into a small bubbleponics bucket. I want this one to live!!! I have been having bad luck. Any...
  7. skoooooot

    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    Hey So after about 3 week of trial and lots of errors... This is what i got... A sprout? Does it look right? Look healthy? I just moved her under a CFL. Keeping her moist... and the plan is to move her into a small bubbleponics bucket. I want this one to live!!! I have been having bad luck. Any...
  8. skoooooot

    My sprout... is it going to survive? Pic Attached

    Hey all- So after about 3 week of trial and lots of errors... This is what i got... A sprout? Does it look right? Look healthy? I just moved her under a CFL. Keeping her moist... and the plan is to move her into a small bubbleponics bucket. I want this one to live!!! I have been having bad luck...
  9. skoooooot

    Ny First Sprout... Is it going to survive??? THOUGHTS????

    Hey all- So after about 3 week of trial and lots of errors... This is what i got... A sprout? Does it look right? Look healthy? I just moved her under a CFL. Keeping her moist... and the plan is to move her into a small bubbleponics bucket. I want this one to live!!! I have been having bad...
  10. skoooooot

    NEWBIES NEED HELP? smokinHerbOnDaCurb has all ansers!!!!!

    Hey Smokin H O DaCurb--- Im a newbie... and have been reading up for the past 3-4 month.... buying supplies... and finally started germinating some seeds. I cant get a sprout to save my life. Im trying everything... and so far i have one dead sprout. Ive tried the wet paper towel approach...
  11. skoooooot

    Seeds Germinated... but now...

    Im going to have a party when she sprouts! You are all invited!
  12. skoooooot

    Seeds Germinated... but now...

    Thanks all.. I will let you know what happens.
  13. skoooooot

    Seeds Germinated... but now...

    Thanks for all the replys... My one lil girl is dead :( The brown spot on the stem has dried up and the seed helmet it hanging on by a thread. The other one may have a chance. I got the water out of the rockwool, so now it just damp. So here is my plan... I dropped 2 seeds into my lil...
  14. skoooooot

    Help-- My Spouts look... DEAD!

    No... I didn't sling out the excess water... I dropped them into a soaked cube... Damn... Im will try and blot some of the water out. Thx!
  15. skoooooot

    Help-- My Spouts look... DEAD!

    I dont think so... i used a toothpick to help it into the rockwool. Thx.
  16. skoooooot

    Help-- My Spouts look... DEAD!

    Help... my sprouts are looking sad... They haven't moved in 2 days... and the one poking out of the rockwool is turning brown right under the seed helmet. The germinated seeds had a starter root about 1/2 inch long and I dropped them into the the pre-soaked rockwool. I then placed them in a bowl...
  17. skoooooot

    Seeds Germinated... but now...

    I soaked the rockwool before i dropped my spouts in... was that wrong.... should it drop it into a dry cube and add just a little water? When i put it in the bowl... I put a little water in the bottom of the bowl as well. Thanks for all the help. Im a first time grower... well Ive gotten as far...
  18. skoooooot

    Seeds Germinated... but now...

    Hi-- Pics attached. No growth or movement in 2 days... The big sprout looks like he is browning at the top of the stem, under the "hat". Thoughts... do I start over??? Have I killed them :-(? My Rockwool is wet... is it too wet??? Thx
  19. skoooooot

    Seeds Germinated... but now...

    Hey all. So I germinated my seeds... they cracked with a starter root about 1/2" long... popped them onto soaked rockwool cubes, placed them into a bowl with plastic wrap over it, and placed them under a cfl light to keep them warm. One sprouted yesterday morning... with the seed still on the...
  20. skoooooot

    Nirvana Extortion?

    Im cracking my first order from BC SEEDS. They arrived safe and secure... in about 5 days.