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  1. skoooooot

    Changing water pH level

    If you cant get to the hydro store... Lemon Juice for PH down. Couple of drops goes a long way. I have never tried vinegar. Order the PH Up / Down. Its cheap and lasts a long time.
  2. skoooooot

    Magnesium deficiency????????

    I had a similar problem... and calmag worked for me. Im using a bubbleponics system with either RO or Distilled H20.
  3. skoooooot

    First time Grow - DWC. Pics and Update

    Thanks... That is my veg. room. I have a separate room (5' x 4' x 8' high) for blooming with a 400w HPS. Lets hope the size doubles! I figure 2 more weeks and they go to the bloom room.
  4. skoooooot

    First Grow, Super Excited

    Oh... and you should think about getting another bin soon... 6 plants in that little bin... they are going to outgrow that in 2 weeks. Attached is a pic of my 2 kiddies in the same size bin - 5 weeks old.
  5. skoooooot

    First Grow, Super Excited

    I had similar burn spots... Calmag took care of the spots. I added about 15ml per gallon of H20 in the res.
  6. skoooooot

    Nute advice for new bubbleponic grower

    Looks good... you may want to cut a hole in the foam board for a fan. You will need some air circulation. Do you have flora grow as well as Micro and Bloom? Im a first time grower... and needed to add Calmag in addition to my GH nutes. Good Luck. I just posted some new pics... check em out.
  7. skoooooot

    First time Grow - DWC. Pics and Update

    Hey all-- Im posting an update on my grow... I should have just started a journal a long time ago... but... here is where I am it... 5 weeks into my Veg. First pic was 4 weeks ago when I almost roasted the babies to death... and the others are from Friday. Ive clipped some clones but I am having...
  8. skoooooot

    Curling Leafs and Brown spots

    I have a similar problem... and have been adding the calmag. It seems to work... but I need to use a lot of it. All my new growth is sweet, only my big fan leaves are affected. I'm using a mix of Tap H20 and RO. I think my plants want some of the minerals in the tap water. I and changing out...
  9. skoooooot

    Bloom Room Temps - DWC - How low is too low.

    Ohh... my "bloom room" will have a 400W HPS. Thx
  10. skoooooot

    Bloom Room Temps - DWC - How low is too low.

    Hey all... My plants will be ready to move into the "Bloom Room" in a week or so. My basement temp is around 55 degrees, which is great for lights on. But when the lights go off... i suspect my temps will drop a few hours after lights out. Is 55 too low for lights out? I have my plants vegging...
  11. skoooooot


    No... they might be fine... Don't freak out! Be patient... it may take 3-4 days. This is what I do: Seeds go into damp (NOT WET) paper towel...fold it over 2 or 3 times. Place paper towel into ziplock baggie. Put baggie into a plastic DVD case. Set it on the cable box for warmth. Wait. 3 days...
  12. skoooooot


    No... but if you dont have your seeds in a warm dark spot it will slow it down. If you do use tap H2O, let it sit overnight to remove the chlorine. Ph it as well.
  13. skoooooot

    Compact Fluorescent Bulbs 105watt

    Something doesnt sound right with the electric bills. Are you sure your neighbors are not tapping into your house for power? Invest in a decent electronic / digital ballast. It will pay for itself in the long run... actually... it will pay for itself in the short run too in your case.
  14. skoooooot

    Nute advice for new bubbleponic grower

    Im a first timer... and my plants love General Hydro Flora. I have also been adding CalMag. From what I hear... lots of bubble guys add it as well. If you are using CFL's to Veg... go to Lowes and get the 100W 6500K bulbs. $10.00 for a 4 pack. Your plants will love them.
  15. skoooooot

    Thirsty Plants?? Normal DWC

    Thanks for the reply... My PPM meter should show up today... Ive been waiting 2 weeks now. I should post some new pics... my plants are monsters now. I just clipped 4 clones last night. Crossing my fingers. I clipped my first clones ever last week and they look like crap. I hope these work out...
  16. skoooooot

    Thirsty Plants?? Normal DWC

    Hey all... So I have 2 plants growing in a 10 gal tote, bubbleponics. The girls (I hope) are about 5 weeks old and doing awesome. The 10 gallon tote is at the correct level with about 6.5 gallons of H20 & Nutes. Like I said... the plants are doing great... very bushy... main stem is as thick as...
  17. skoooooot

    Where can i get seeds to be delivered to the US

    I used BC Seeds: Really fast shipping and my plants are huge!
  18. skoooooot

    ideas as to what this might be???

    I had the same problem. CalMag did the trick. I am using Distilled H20 / RO H2O and needed the mineral boost. Plants love it. I also added some liquid seaweed. The guys at my local hydro shop suggested it. Your plants look nice man!
  19. skoooooot

    Trimming The Dead.

    Trim the sick and dying leaves off... you dont want your plant putting energy into bunk leaves. Anything that is 25% gone... trim.