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  1. weedman013

    Traveling to mexico with Bud - fool proof

    The use of Narcotic Detector Canines CONDUCTING THE CANINE SEARCH OF A VEHICLE: 1. Contraband is most frequently hidden in relatively few locations on vehicles. 2. All searches of vehicles (as with any search) should be conducted according to a plan. Vehicles should be divided into four (4)...
  2. weedman013

    What size of area do hps make useable?

    Determine the square footage of your area (example in a 4 foot by 4 foot area, there is 16 square feet) If you have a 1000 watt High Pressure Sodium, that produces (approx.) 107,000 lumens. Divide this by 16 (your square footage) 107,000 / 16 = 6687 lumens per square foot. So just divide the...
  3. weedman013

    plants falling over

    did you have a fan blowing on it? if you didnt you should start not now on the flowering stage but on your next crop cause it will make the stalk thicker
  4. weedman013

    easy drying

    not to be rude but the plastic bag is a dumb idea if you were gonna use a bag paper would be your best bet and when doing so leave the bag open and if you couldnt leave the bag open maybe poe some holes in it
  5. weedman013

    first timer....(w/pics)

    looken good i think lol im a first timer to and mine look exsactly like your i have mine in a five gallion bucket though
  6. weedman013

    Liquid Light

    has anybody heard of it if not google it? has anybody tried it? tell me what you think about useing it on your crops
  7. weedman013

    Peat Pots?

    leave them in you will less likely fuck up lolnothing personal thats wat i do
  8. weedman013

    Got a new dealer!!!!!!!!

    wat the fuck wat state are you from
  9. weedman013

    if i was gonna buy a book on

    growing marijuana inside which one do you suggest:lol:
  10. weedman013

    2 week old plants leaves look dry

    it can be caused by eather over watering or under watering but what i would do is mist them everynight make sure the water int cold though it could make them go into shock and make sure you do it while the lights are off when you do it. how high are the lights above the plant??
  11. weedman013


    thanks bro
  12. weedman013


    gnats killed my last crop so i decided i would take every 5 gallion bucket that i was using and throw it in the deep freezer for 24 hours but i still see gnats in the house how can i prevent them from doing that again i have no idea where there comming from since my crop was my only plants in...
  13. weedman013


    im using a four foot fluresent shop light with one bulb 40 watt cool white and a 40 watt grow light can i use it through the whole growing proceses i know hps would be the best but i cant afford it so can i use the fluresent through the whole grow cycle
  14. weedman013

    thanks bro for the help how much shoul i use i just orderd some online

    thanks bro for the help how much shoul i use i just orderd some online
  15. weedman013

    Gnats everywhere

    never mind lol but you can still hit me up
  16. weedman013

    Gnats everywhere

    if you find out you should hit me up i got the samedamn problem and tried poisen and he still hasnt helped
  17. weedman013

    Water until it drains??

    hey if you find out you should hit me up
  18. weedman013

    Mist and Water, or just Water?

    it is very good to mis the plants when the LIGHTS ARE OFF because the plants need humidty the reason you dont want to do it in the light is because the light would magnify thw water and burn holes in the leaves you do want to stop misting though when your plant is in the flowering stage
  19. weedman013

    What do you think about earth juice

    if i got some what kind would i need to get? how much shoul i use thanks for the replys
  20. weedman013

    Outdoor Seed? Outdoor Clone? Yield?

    i have a question for you how do i start a new post or thread