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  1. dirt clean

    when to transplant and what size pots

    I am goinf from 1 gallon to 5 gallon or bigger. This is what subcool advises. he does 1 gallon then when you see roots coming out the bottom goes to 7 gallons. Big pot means big plant means more buds. I learned this the hard way in 5 in rw. 1 ounce. I want trees now.
  2. dirt clean

    What a dumb f@#k

    filters? and no offense but who wants seeded bud. I meant that to the spell check dude.
  3. dirt clean

    ~ Starting of New Group - RIU Soil/Organic Growers Guild!!

    reps for the bcuzz advice. yeah, atami Bloombastic I used on my hydro. IDK if that is organic but it is alive. Also you can use fish and grow just use half and half, but it says that on their feed schedule. That chart is handy. I got the alaska fish emulsion from home depot omri cert for...
  4. dirt clean

    Do you think fem seeds germ slower?

    just keep it wet man, Lol. It is kinda a long story on why I started growing. But in one part of the saga I put a spare bagseed in some dirt I had for a basil plant and a week or solater I noticed 3-4 inch long mj plants standing there all surprised to see me as I was to see them. how long has...
  5. dirt clean

    Do you think fem seeds germ slower?

    sounds right. did you presoak? if not they are probably fill with moisture now. Make sure you keep the medium wet. I am In RR and funny story something else grew too, something weird like a weed and I thought it was some deformed mj seed and I got all pissed but it was just a weed and thank...
  6. dirt clean

    Do you think fem seeds germ slower?

    I am trying out fem seeds for the first time. It is going slower than the other seeds, but I have checked inside the RR and they are coming along. They look strong healthy, white widow skunk seeds, but are taking a while. females grow slower than males. Usually with seeds you cannot tell...
  7. dirt clean

    landlord question

    what if I pay early, is that suspicious?
  8. dirt clean

    Autoflower pictures thread! All variety's free to post!

    :clap: that is what I want to hear. did you transplant or just grow, i hrar no transplant for autoflower or that messes it all up.
  9. dirt clean

    ~ Starting of New Group - RIU Soil/Organic Growers Guild!!

    right on with the bio bizz. me too. I am also gonna be using super plant tonic and hopefully a little topdressing with guanos. I might have to break down and buy some top max. I have not found a substitue for it. Maybe the spt, i think humic acid is the key.
  10. dirt clean

    Lowering Temp. to increase resin?

    If you use a 77-78 temp at light on then drop to a 71 degree lights out "night" the plant will produce more resin. That is what I read, that was not in a myth forum either. Some hi-tech cannabis science shit. also uvb also quartz glass on your hoods will get some hid uvb in there and they...
  11. dirt clean

    Autoflower pictures thread! All variety's free to post!

    I am about to start 5 fem lowrider 2 up. What size pots are you guys using. I got any size and plenty of room. I am hearing that only 2 gallon, that is better for the plant, Is this true?
  12. dirt clean

    ~ Starting of New Group - RIU Soil/Organic Growers Guild!!

    willow bark or leaves is the same think as the rooting gels on the market. here ya go, copied form the net. Although store bought rooting compound doesn't seem to be overly expensive, most folks don't know that it can be toxic due to the fungicide included to protect plant cuttings from...
  13. dirt clean

    I through dirt containing Urea into the compost bin:(

    going green costs more everytime but the benefits add up in the long run. Organic non urea fortified soil is 3x as much but it is a healthier more productive product. i watch the green channel 24/7 in the background of my house. ;)
  14. dirt clean

    I through dirt containing Urea into the compost bin:(

    I was reading about the evils of urea and non organic gardeneing. Also have you heard about pissing on your feat in the shower. It will kill bad living things. urea is synthesised from urine.
  15. dirt clean

    All Natural Weed.

    Good cheap N that is fast and OMRI certified is alsaka fish fert for 7 bucks at home depot. Also Sunleaves bat guano I shipped and it took like a day from ebay. I use Bio Bizz.
  16. dirt clean

    All Natural Weed.

    I was just reading that urea will kill micro-organisms and the like, I am not clear on which ones or if they are bacteria or whatever but I do know that while it is a source fo N it will kill our freinds in the soil, which we as organic gardeners depend on too feed the plant. Also I have...
  17. dirt clean

    landlord question

    that what I would get a cat for. so cute.
  18. dirt clean

    Question on FoxFARM oceanforest

    I added 1 handful of dolmite lime per cubic foot of dirt. If you cna find the flour use less. I could only find the little rocks. They take longer to break down so use more. Dolomite lime is an awesome materail. It keeps at a neutral ph of 7, so is gradually neutralises your ph up which helps...
  19. dirt clean

    landlord question

    put a lock on your grow room door before you do anything. but dont change the outside locks too fast. A guy changed the outside locks so his landlord called the cops right away. Grow got busted. Also get a dog if you are allowed, or one of those big cats. A big cat will cost about 1000 or more...
  20. dirt clean

    Cal mag is not organic, what now?

    I need a good mineral program to substitute cal mag. I am using ro water. I know that epsom salt will do some good. What are the levels I should be adding per gallon of 4 stage filtered ro water? What else should I add. I have 1 big handful of dolomite lime per cubic foot of soil. I am...