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  1. dirt clean

    how to get dense nugs?

    keep the heat at max 77, lower it 8 degrees at night but not more than that. Keep the light clost but not so close you bleach any nugs. Hi heat will take away dense nugs, and an 8-10 degree drop in temp at night will stimulate resin pprdiction. also add another cfl except make this one a...
  2. dirt clean

    Pot size, soil, from germ on up?

    I will doing this: -1 gallon pot with a rr puck with the seed in the middle. - transplant into a 5 gallon grow bag when I can see roots out the bottom. -i might use a 3 gallon in between but I doubt it. these first 2 are going...
  3. dirt clean

    What exactly is growing Organically?

    yeah, I trust that BMO is all organic and something like what you speak of is the case. OHSOGREEN also reminds us all something apple cidar vinegar could ruin your omri cert. Well I got OMRI bat guano,lol, clean poop, Bio Bizz and SUper plant tonic. I think next grow I will also try a few plants...
  4. dirt clean

    2 week old clone needs nutrients!

    what do you guys think of top dressing with bat guano and feeding reg fert, say bio bizz, once a week? That is my latest plan i have several plants in various stages of infancy and also an opium poppy i got as a clone in the mail. the opium poppy I have I placed straight from there soil into...
  5. dirt clean

    Liquid Karma ... Is it for breakfast ?

    it better. . .
  6. dirt clean

    A preliminary feed schedule to kill some time;)

    oh yeah, i was right aid, they have quite a selection of gardening products. At the rite aide! WTf am i doing spendign all that dough on fox farms? They have organic and mulched and recycled compost soils. they got mosses and mulchs. they got rooting powder. they got enough good ferts but i dont...
  7. dirt clean

    sun leafs

    i like the tucking of the leaves suggestion that always settles these debates. lol, I see these once a week and the idea of tucking leaves behind each other will keep everyone happy.
  8. dirt clean

    This outdoor shit better work!

    you guys see the movie out like 15 years ago where the old lady, a gardner was going to lose her house, so she changed out all her flowers to weed and at night no one minded the whole english countryside lit up, lol. funny shit. old lady in a biker bar looking for a buyer.
  9. dirt clean

    This outdoor shit better work!

    in the southwest they want are shit inside, no canopy space law. lame. but plenty get away with it.
  10. dirt clean

    This outdoor shit better work!

    what about a shed with a greenhouse roof? You can keep the smell down if it is mildy contained. for heat you could put charcoal fans and duct fans. I think couple hundred for a full set of inlines pulling in constant fresh air. in the old days in the suburbs peeps parents used sheds with no...
  11. dirt clean

    who makes their own guano/worm casting tea?

    nice nutes!
  12. dirt clean

    A preliminary feed schedule to kill some time;)

    Oh yeah I am in fox farms ocean forest/light warrior/perlite/dolomite lime. I have not prewaterd the soil with anything like spt or just plain water to get it going. Think I should? FF xoil has a ton of myco and castings in there so I fig it is active. Just not sure about the watering to kick...
  13. dirt clean

    A preliminary feed schedule to kill some time;)

    Got me a plan. I am going to Use BIO BIZZ grow and bloom to feed my plants starting at the third node. I will then surface dress the soil with high N guano and water with bio bizz and spt once a week. If I need to water more than once a week then I will water then with spt and worm...
  14. dirt clean

    Super Thrive

    you guys ever go to the plain old home depot plant vitamin isle? Lol, they are stocked just inside with cloning goods. They got rr trays, they got big bottles of just pure b1, they got cloning powders, it is like looking at a hydro/indoor gardening shop. Great way to beat shipping. I use super...
  15. dirt clean

    Question on FoxFARM oceanforest

    uh, what kind of water do you give? Ro water needs cal mag, aslo you should always add dolomite lime, about 1 cup a bag for the little rock version not the flour. Also the nute idea looks good. Foliar feeding is a good way to get fast N to the plant. that is the point. good luck. go to...
  16. dirt clean


    I take morphine sulfate and since it is a little addictive and since i develop tolerance and blah blah blah i have made sveral excursions to mexico for extra beyond prescription needs for the stuff and I have seen in the old days some pharmacists hawoking vials for 20 dollars. No they sell 80...
  17. dirt clean

    Is my soil ok? fed a cup of water i now got a flood, lol.

    Hey I did get a little perlite floating to the surface when I watered. I was like whoa! Lol, other than that it is going great. In one day my wido cindy seed sprouted from the rr green as green, I added leess than the manufacturer recomended and lol that was too much. Manufacturer lables are...
  18. dirt clean

    Making Tea - is EZ.... & Cheap !

    wow I was way off. your numbers and bio bizz actually add up. Bio zizz is 1ml a liter not a gallon. So that is 4 times the NPK on the bottle, almost the exact same you get with your guanos. Just the same that is cool you can get your NPK values with the guano as I must assume it is 1...
  19. dirt clean

    Making Tea - is EZ.... & Cheap !

    ohsogreen, Got a question man. This concerns your NPK values of " For veggie growth I try to keep the NPK at around 4-3-4 to 8-4-6, during flowering I switch to an NPK of 1-7-0 to 2-8-6. " How do you get that using bat guano. I mean I just got my bat guano in the mail. It...
  20. dirt clean

    Nitrogen & CO2

    my omri certified sunleaves high N bat guano just came. so did my omri Bio bizz grow and bloom. Guess what, they are derived from molasses and kelp. I shit you not. lol, what a waste, I coulda done all this myself. Ah, that is a little harsh they are a perfect mix. you just gotta use both of...