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  1. NewGrowth

    CSU Student Walk Out ~ please read and react

    Soon we will all realize why it is a bad idea to depend on the government to do anything. Your walk-out will do nothing, but I still encourage it because it may broaden your horizons some. The State of California is Bankrupt . . . bottom line. If you think this is bad get ready for...
  2. NewGrowth

    CSU Student Walk Out ~ please read and react

    "Never let your schooling get in the way of your education" -Mark Twain
  3. NewGrowth

    Heath's Dizzy !!!

    Wild looking mutant . . . . I'm in!
  4. NewGrowth

    Iran Update...

    Yep I heard it Jax, they are being backed into a corner. You know well the rules of War: Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak. Still a moot point 20% enriched Uranium is just not bomb making material. Obviously Iran is running scared, indicated by the way...
  5. NewGrowth

    Gold-good investment or hype.

    There goes the Euro . . . .
  6. NewGrowth

    Iran Update...

    :lol: "Nuclear state" that's a good one Jax:clap: That's almost as funny as the Iraqi WMD's!
  7. NewGrowth

    Spider Mite Control

    I recieved a tip from a fellow grower on keeping lady bugs alive when their food source is gone. He said they will eat crushed grapes!
  8. NewGrowth

    Spider Mite Control

    I've set off LOTS of those :wall: My mites became resistant to it, for really heavy infestations it will not work. Be sure to follow up with another one in three days or so.
  9. NewGrowth

    Colorado MMJ Patients Need To Do This!

    I had that discussion with a lawyer the other day, he said that it is possible to sue them and win IF you have at LEAST $40,000 and are willing to wade through 2years of litigation in a Federal Court. The individial is no longer protected by our legal system, that is why it is so very important...
  10. NewGrowth

    Colorado MMJ Patients Need To Do This!

    I've sent mail to Rommer and Massey both responded respectfully. You're correct the politicians are not on our side here. Our only defense is this petition, so spread the word and stand up for your rights or lose them!!! Thanks for your post!
  11. NewGrowth

    Iran Update...

    Missle Shield in the Gulf now, Air Craft carriers what's next a NATO sponsored invasion? Not without another 'terror' attack I'll bet. Place your bets mine is on Isreal striking first . . .
  12. NewGrowth

    JohnnyO's Coffeeshop

    Yah I could use an 1/8 to get me through to the next harvest!:joint:
  13. NewGrowth

    Gypsy's Picture Depot

    That is a hydrofarm bucket Yah I unsubscribed to that thread, and he took the time to PM me with insults. I just reported him for it:cuss::roll:bongsmilie
  14. NewGrowth

    Gypsy's Picture Depot

    Good to see you up and running again gypsy! New mom station is awesome, I'm gonna start keeping my mothers in hydrofarm buckets :hump:
  15. NewGrowth

    JohnnyO's Coffeeshop

    Egg JO egg . . .
  16. NewGrowth

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    No I've never used that, but before we could get Foxfarms, Gen Hydro, ect Sunshine #4, or Miracle Grow potting mix with Shults Orchid bloom was what a lot of people were using. I would not be surprised if it is a great medium. It is composed of this stuff: Arcillite - baked montmorillonite...
  17. NewGrowth

    MY True HP Aero Plug&Play Pods

    I think I'm going to un-subscribe to this thread. fatman you need to get over yourself :roll:
  18. NewGrowth

    Colorado MMJ Patients Need To Do This!

    Yah just PM fdd and Rolli
  19. NewGrowth

    Colorado Med Growers, Unite

    I would also like to add that if you are not registered to vote in Colorado you will not be able to support the ballot initiative so if you are not registered be sure to do so!!!
  20. NewGrowth

    booster scrubber??

    You could make your own filter but in the long run I think you will be much happier with the freshmaker. Another option would be to put a 6-4" reducer on your 6" booster fan and just run that out through the smaller 4" freshmaker (which is cheaper).