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  1. NewGrowth

    JohnnyO's Coffeeshop

    Stoney! :hug: Good to see yah, can i get some of those quaaludes?:-P
  2. NewGrowth

    How to change an htg supply carbon scrubber?

    Depends on the size of the filter but just like the others I recommend a CAN brand filter. They are very high quality and will eliminate 100% of odor, I have a CAN filter that has an oversized fan and is too big for my space. I still have zero odor out of the exhaust. I'll be upgrading next...
  3. NewGrowth

    Root Clone Test - pictures

    Ok I'm going to try this with the super skunk I harvested today, I just keep it moist covered, warm and dark? Seems like it would just compost . . .
  4. NewGrowth

    Starbucks Denies Funding Anti-Marijuana Group

    Awesome Mac it is good to know we can change their minds . . .
  5. NewGrowth

    Root Clone Test - pictures

    will this really work? I'm super interested
  6. NewGrowth

    How to change an htg supply carbon scrubber?

    Not really, the filters have different sized pieces of carbon packed in a way that provides maximum air-flow and odor control. The cost of re-packing would probably be considerable. Poorly packed filters are not worth it IMO they don't last as long.
  7. NewGrowth

    slabhead's 2010

    Hell yah I'm in for this one
  8. NewGrowth

    I'm trying to take a break from smoking, but..... (sorry wrong forum)

    Why do you have to get clean for employment tests? You can just go down to the head shop and get a bottle of fake piss and a hand-warmer for $30. I say enjoy the PK those tests have never caught me . . .
  9. NewGrowth

    How to change an htg supply carbon scrubber?

    re-packing is rare and needs to be done at the factory, most people just replace the whole filter.
  10. NewGrowth

    Boycott Starbucks!

  11. NewGrowth

    Origami: Hijack Plus Six

    Thanks Doc! Me too I'm really impressed by it so far, the thing is like a hot rod!
  12. NewGrowth

    J*H420's 2k Vertical Grow

    Cool man, you tricked me! I thought it was going to be a stadium or something :lol: Plants looks great, those Base Up bulbs tend to put off more lumens too.:-P
  13. NewGrowth

    J*H420's 2k Vertical Grow

    Looks great man but how is this vertical? Do you just mean the bulb type?
  14. NewGrowth

    A Case Full Of Glass

    Sweet I need another fdd piece and I've been looking all over town for a hash pipe. I miss my ol' pipe:-(
  15. NewGrowth

    Origami: Hijack Plus Six

    Ok she is a full as she's gonna get. I've got about 30 cuts in here, it's difficult to get a picture because a big plant is blocking the view as well as the light tube. You can tell the cuts that went in 4 days ago they look super happy, as opposed to the ones that went in today:-P Everything...
  16. NewGrowth

    JohnnyO's Coffeeshop

    Never tried that Woo just my aunts nasty concotion
  17. NewGrowth

    Coco Growers Unite!

    jberry is right, my plants suffer when the coco dries
  18. NewGrowth

    JohnnyO's Coffeeshop

    That tastes like asss! :spew: Too many decisions too stoned AHHHHHHHHHHHH:wall: :spew:
  19. NewGrowth

    JohnnyO's Coffeeshop

    Mutant Kush is the accidental start of Fork #1 . . . My buddy gave me this weird mutant plant, I flowered it out and it accidently got pollinated by my Thai Skunk male. The plant grew really weird but it is definitely some kind of Kush. The smoke is fucking awesome though! So this is the...
  20. NewGrowth

    JohnnyO's Coffeeshop

    Can I have one?:-) We have a freezer full here but they have weed in them:oops: