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  1. KP2

    repeatedly topping a plant

    topping more than twice generally lowers yield.
  2. KP2

    About to do this deal and I dont want to get ripped off...

    karma is a bitch. fuck robbery, if you stole from me you wouldn't make it out the front door. you would be dog food.
  3. KP2

    Mayday, mayday... we have root eaters... WTF SHOULD I DO!!!!!???

    physan20, neem oil, mosquito dunks or gnatrol, a layer of sand on top of the soil.... read up on fungus gnats ;)
  4. KP2

    How to get rock hard buds?

    i disagree. use cal/mag for one plant, don't for the rest. simple supplement. i guarantee the cal/mag buds will surprise you, while the others don't meet your expectations. weight and size is one thing; density is another. light is a given. ;)
  5. KP2

    grow bags

    \3g bags are fine. i start with cups, go to 1g, then flower in 3g. 5g bags of dirt are real pitas, better to have buckets once you get that much dirt going.
  6. KP2

    How and where to house a ballast??!!

    is there anything on it that burns? ie, oil, insulation etc. if not, the ballast is bad (i'm assuming old) and needs to be replaced. when one dies, they go up in a big stinking poof of smoke. ;)
  7. KP2

    How and where to house a ballast??!!

    go through and disconnect all wire nuts (one at a time) and check each connection. then plug it in. a hps should fire immediately unless the bulb is hot or the ignitor is blown. or, if you have a lamp cord longer than 15' (for most ballasts). how long is the cord from the ballast to the lamp...
  8. KP2

    How and where to house a ballast??!!

    mh? sometimes it takes a minute. plug it in, wait for a minute or two, and see if it sparks. i have a mh that takes about 45 seconds to fire, but always does. my other mh is instantaneous.
  9. KP2

    Highest THC Content?

    most elite clones are severely over rated. i'll match either of my best creations against any cali clone any day and KNOW who's going to win. that's the point of going through seeds; finding that ONE individual that just totally blows the standard away.
  10. KP2

    Taking Pictures Of Your Plants (A little How-To)

    lol, well, while i wouldn't say very helpful (to me personally), i did learn something, which is helpful. you got my vote :p
  11. KP2

    Fan leaves turning light green with spots

    throw the shultz away. pot does not like super phosphates. don't flush, just water and superthrive. if you can't get to a hydro store, get miracle gro all purpose 24-8-16, and give them a dose of that (level scoop from the small side of the spoon for one gallon). this'll help get them back up...
  12. KP2

    Fan leaves turning light green with spots

    2-4-1 is high for p, low for k. you could be looking at phos toxicity (which is what it looks like). i burned the hell out of some pickier strains with fish poo, so i nixed the use of it. i'll use mg in veg, but you can't beat a nute program designed for and tested exclusively on mmj.
  13. KP2

    Fan leaves turning light green with spots

    stop using the fish shit. some plants don't like it at all, and that's generally the result, shown in your pix. go with a good 3 part formula made for medical cannabis (ie gen.hydroponics or ad. nutes)
  14. KP2

    Highest THC Content?

    actually time is what alters the compounds and causes them to break down. NOT uvb. otherwise, hps flowered pot would have NO POTENCY unless suplemented with uvb. mh doesn't have enough uvb to be beneficial either, it a minimal.
  15. KP2

    Highest THC Content?

    no it does not. i experimented with suplemental uvb for two years and found absolutely no difference in product with or without.
  16. KP2

    INCOME TAXES ARE ILLEGAL: so don't pay.

    see what happens when you don't pay.
  17. KP2

    Hi there can anyone help me

    nowhere near ready. 4-6 more weeks to go. ;)
  18. KP2

    Highest THC Content?

    way to make a first impression. clone extract? 98%? if you don't know, don't lie to make yourself look "cool".
  19. KP2

    Hi there can anyone help me

    some land race afghans go six weeks. but, the norm is 8-12 for nearly all hybrids. imo, you have some time to wait. any chance for pix?
  20. KP2

    How to get rock hard buds?

    cal and mag are bud hardeners. suplement with cal/mag every res change up to harvest.