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  1. KP2

    Grow 2 lbs. on a 2’ x 4’ 32 Site DIY Aeroponic Unit

    always prune a sog, you're focusing on canopy, not lowers ;)
  2. KP2

    So is 24/7 light bad for your plants growth?

    that's not true. try growing them in the way that you think will fuck them up. then you'll see stuf like this.... i don't make shit up, just been doing this for 20+ years ;) plants grow when light is present. darkness is needed to trigger flowering. the only reason for a dark cycle in veg is...
  3. KP2

    Grow 2 lbs. on a 2’ x 4’ 32 Site DIY Aeroponic Unit

    ya know.... gk films the grows and publishes the books.... those aren't his grows, but grows he's picked and checked out and found worthy of sharing with the world. just so you know :p. good guy, fruitcake too :D
  4. KP2

    So is 24/7 light bad for your plants growth?

    those are dp fallacies, and actually it was 24/0 lighting and blue lighting in veg = more female. nitrogen can increase female, while phosphorous increases male. i believe this is mostly bs. i think gender is predetermined, and will only "change" if situations are much less than ideal.
  5. KP2

    So is 24/7 light bad for your plants growth?

    the only reason to have a dark cycle is to cool the lamps daily and save power. light = photosynthesis, no light = no photosynthesis. light = growth, darkness = stretch. 24/7 is the most effective lighting cycle for growing vegetative plants.
  6. KP2

    Quiestion about watering

    no, they don't water with coke. the morons spray it on the buds to make it sticky.... and the ones who do that are bastards.
  7. KP2

    need help growing!!! (orange crush)

    where the hell did you get oc seeds? o.0 beware of hermies. jackie-o mom passed the trait, which is why it's hard to find.
  8. KP2

    Shroom identification help

    actually, you can find cubes in certain areas in the us, though they are not indigenous. p. cyans are also found in the states. however, growing your own is the only truly safe way to go here. contams in legit mushrooms can make a lethal combination, so even the RIGHT ones can kill.... o.o...
  9. KP2

    Make A Hybrid - Splicing Plants ???

    yup, that's right, not a hybrid, it's a graft. rep plus. you know, you can take one large stock with great growth attributes and graft 4-10 of your favorite strains, making one mom with all your cuttings.... most prefer the simplicity of separate shrubs.
  10. KP2

    Looking for a girlfriend

    omfg.... :mrgreen:
  11. KP2

    light 24/0 to 18/6

    funny, it doesn't mention light exposure? go figure... :shock:
  12. KP2

    light 24/0 to 18/6

    this is true, as i said. however, it's not the end all plague as you tried to make it out in earlier posts. light hitting roots in a drain pan is no issue, and i can take pictures tonight of plants that have exposed roots in a drainage flat, with 2kw above. pretty white roots too... o.0 wow...
  13. KP2

    yellowing leaves

    go up to full strength and if you still have problems after 7 days, add botanicare cal/mag according to label. your babies will be fine :)
  14. KP2

    light 24/0 to 18/6

    is that why you also argued with me about proper pruning technique in sog/flower? i also speak from experience. i'm a breeder, sitting on 6 strains, 4 home made ibls. been doing this stuff for quite a while. i speak from experience, as every book i've read on the subject of pot either has...
  15. KP2

    light 24/0 to 18/6

    you know what? fuck it. you fuckers want help, pm me. other than that, fuck off. learn the hard way. i'm tired of dealing with assholes and attitudes.
  16. KP2

    light 24/0 to 18/6

    really? wow, and here i thought plants had FUCKING LEAVES!!!!!! so that shade stuff is really light?!? wow, you're really smart! come back and pick on me in 20 years, then we might be able to actually have a REAL debate.
  17. KP2

    yellowing leaves

    yellow tips is indicative of high n or p, nothing really worth worrying about unless whole leaves are dying. as for the rust colored spots (i'm assuming this is what you mean by mottling?) and paleness to leaves, that's more than likely a calcium/magnesium issue. cal/mag is a good product to...
  18. KP2

    Trichocereus (spp. scopx juuls) seeds??

    cacti seeds are often labeled as anything but magic trichs or lophs. scopy x juuls sounds like a hybrid. if you're interested in cuttings instead of seeds, send me a pm; i'm about to move, and 90% of my cactus garden can't come with me :(.
  19. KP2

    light 24/0 to 18/6

    my point is that 24 hours will produce better roots than 18/6. tried and true proven method. as i said before, if you veg with a light over one end of your table, those will be bigger plants with better roots than the ones that recieve less light. root growth is a part of photosynthesis, which...
  20. KP2

    Should i use Cal Mag?

    an and gh 3 part formulas are identical, and both are lacking on the micros at anything under full strength application. as for cal/mag, use it. for everything. you won't be sorry. cal and mag are bud hardeners :D