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  1. KP2

    quick question about aeroponics

    yes and no, it's all preference. on a timer, heat from the pump will never be an issue anyway ;). i like submersibles as it doesn't limit my ability to remove the res from the room, where as the pvc connections of a centrifugal mean it's basically a permanent installment...
  2. KP2

    light 24/0 to 18/6

    in case you missed it again, here's my post. the question here is which to go; 18/6 or 24/0. this is my explanation, right here. put the pipe down, and READ. dammit :-?
  3. KP2

    light 24/0 to 18/6

    you agree? wow, morons everywhere....
  4. KP2

    light 24/0 to 18/6

    read before you post, my dear. i never said anything about lighting the roots. i said light = roots, just as light = photosynthesis. now, don't you feel silly?
  5. KP2

    quick question about aeroponics

    pump is on a timer, many increments are used. one of the most popular mini increments is 1 on, 4 off. many do 15 on, 45 off, some do an hour on, hour off. don't run continuous, as this makes the pump heat the water, which encourages pythium (root rot).
  6. KP2

    light 24/0 to 18/6

    just so you know, light = roots, not darkness. that's a myth, as roots are a product of photosynthesis as well. try it like this, put a light on one side of a box, and clones on both side. after 3 weeks, check the roots. plants closest to the light have a bigger better root structure than those...
  7. KP2

    spider mites late in flowering

    they die after you chop. hanging upside down is fun, as they will accumulate at the new "top" of the plant, ie, the bare stem. then they starve to death :) also, after drying, any webs left are easily removed with fingers or a toothpick.
  8. KP2

    Quick drying process?

    i put mine on the pc monitor vents...
  9. KP2

    NEW PICS!! new light, need advice

    mylar blankets are about 2$ each.... couldn't hurt ;)
  10. KP2

    do cutting branches stress budding

    no, for the same reason that topping works. when you cut before flower, the plant still goes through the motions once you flip the switch. then you still get branches, just higher up. the reason for waiting is the plant develops the stature that it's going to have during that time. after the...
  11. KP2

    SHould i Start FLUSHING????

    i don't have any links on this pc. canadian suppliers are usually cheaper than us distributors. i have used bghydro several times, they're a good supplier with enormous variety. search for some canadian stores before buying though, sometimes the price difference is extreme.
  12. KP2

    SHould i Start FLUSHING????

    this is what i was referring to ;).
  13. KP2

    SHould i Start FLUSHING????

    this deserves it's own thread, but unfortunately, would be clouded with hate and retaliation. i'll expound, then drop it... Residual tastes are something that do occur, but are not widely understood. these tastes are the result of buildups of water solubles that the plant is able to take up...
  14. KP2

    do cutting branches stress budding

    sog growers don't veg long enough to have branches. branches in a sog are the result of flower stretch. also, did you know the plants do not heal? cut areas do not regenerate. they callous, which takes about a day. at that point, hormones from the roots begin to be redistributed, which takes a...
  15. KP2

    do cutting branches stress budding

    that's not accurate. it's known that you reduce the yield of a single plant when you prune, the plant will stall for a day or so (not too much longer)... but, when you have plants that are getting to be 30'' tall and are only 8'' apart, then yes; you certainly DO cut the lower branches, leaving...
  16. KP2

    do cutting branches stress budding

    lol, it's a standard practice in a sog. you allow for initial stretch, then remove lowers leaving an apical bud. this is done because plants are so close together the branches smother each other, and reduce yields drastically. 10-14 days in is when you cut lower branches. many "mersh" growers...
  17. KP2

    SHould i Start FLUSHING????

    ever eaten a tomato that tastes like fertilizer? think they flush those? this flushing myth has gone a bit too far. if you're not flowering with miracle gro, or have toxic levels of nutes, THEN you might want to think about flushing. it's important to realize that the plant "eats" and...
  18. KP2

    do cutting branches stress budding

    they said after, not before :p
  19. KP2

    NEW PICS!! new light, need advice

    looks happy to me ;)
  20. KP2

    HPS Ballast and purchasing?

    i know about subcool, i think that might be a means to get rid of possible new competition. i'll have to find the info and put out some feedback... thank you!