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  1. AllMeatNoPotato

    Which soils to use?

    foxfarm ocean forest. it is the shit. everything is in there. just pop the bag, put in a pot, and grow. no need to worry about feeding until 2-3 weeks in. perfect for inside growers.
  2. AllMeatNoPotato

    Chlorinated water

    personally, I love it when our moderators disagree. it shows there are different ways to accomplish the same thing.
  3. AllMeatNoPotato

    High Tech Garden Supplies

    i know that russ got his light system from them also.
  4. AllMeatNoPotato

    Lighting Question

    sorry thought you were going to flower outside.
  5. AllMeatNoPotato

    Ahh yes, if at first you don't succeed, try .. try again.

    med, I know I am opening up something that I shouldn't but fuck it. I might know why there is a possibility that you cannot reach them. if you ask an insane person if they are insane, they are not going to say yes. Not saying that they are insane, well maybe some, but they do not see the error...
  6. AllMeatNoPotato

    Decided to Get My Hands Wet Again

    the growth was totally different from the other plants. it was half the size and exhibiting kush tendicies. short and dense packed with alot of leaves.
  7. AllMeatNoPotato

    Lighting Question

    shiva when does spring start for you in england? I thought that it was on the same schedule as the US
  8. AllMeatNoPotato

    preflowering question

    garden knowm posted that thread about nodes before flowering.
  9. AllMeatNoPotato

    Nice homemade bong (Instructions on how to make)

    to fix air tightness, take the tape that you have and cover the exposed area. lol anyways when i was growing up and had nothing to smoke out of, I would do the same thing but use a bic pen take it apart and use the tube as opposed to your cigar tube. take a 5/8 socket and tape it on there...
  10. AllMeatNoPotato

    What caused this damage? Fan leaves are yellow or gold

    looks like a case of nitrogen
  11. AllMeatNoPotato

    problem with white powder like on leaves!!!

    air I am going to question that statement.
  12. AllMeatNoPotato

    Ahh yes, if at first you don't succeed, try .. try again.

    Vi, straight up question. Why are you so adamant with meds point of views? Is it hard to realize that his point of views (even though you might think they are shit) hold validity? And that it is ok for one's views to differ from the other persons, after all is this not what democracy is made of...
  13. AllMeatNoPotato

    High Tech Garden Supplies

    ok, I was running low on some pH down and did not feel like taking a drive 45 minutes away to get some good stuff. I had ordered from this company before and there was no problems. this time however was a different ballgame. they sent me pH up. no big deal really everyone makes mistakes. I...
  14. AllMeatNoPotato


    welcome to the site. you will find it quite usefull. our moderators are very knowledgeable. what hemisphere do you live in? if in america you cannot grow this time of year, but in australia you can. are you planning on starting them indoors then moving them outside to get a head start? are you...
  15. AllMeatNoPotato

    For Vi and Wavels

    apperantly there came a point in your life med when you started saying; "let's see how pissed off I can get them." lmao
  16. AllMeatNoPotato

    For Vi and Wavels

    don't feel bad for looking it up knowm, I have a degree and graduated summa cum laude and had not the slightest inkling what the hell that was. I hope that was not full time 7 years knowm lol!
  17. AllMeatNoPotato

    Lighting Question

    yeah some idiot probably posted it 18/24 as opposed to 18/6
  18. AllMeatNoPotato

    HeLp.. Male,Fem oder..!!

    you have a hermie like russ said.
  19. AllMeatNoPotato

    Whatcha Get 4 X-Mas?

    the joy of watching my son open his gifts and say thank you after it was all said and done. he is only 2.
  20. AllMeatNoPotato

    a few more qustions

    easiest way to do what major said was buy distilled water in a jug, personally I chose spring but it is all good. take the cap off, put it back on then shake the shit out of it before you pour the water on the plants. you take the lid off to replace the stagnate air that is in the jug.