For Vi and Wavels


New Member
Hey guys, here's a poem that describes us, both you guys and me, take a look and see if you agree! conservative christian rightwing republican straight white american males
gay bashin black fearin whore fightin tree killin regional leaders of sales
frat housin keg tappin shirt tuckin back slappin haters of hippies like me
would like to kill peace lovin pot smokin porn watchin lazy ass hippes like me

tree huggin love makin pro choice and gay weddin widespread diggin hippies like me
skin colored blinded conspiracy minded protesters of corporate greed
we who have nothin and most likey will till we all end up locked up in jails
by conservative christian rightwing republican straight white american males

conservative christian rightwing republican straight white american males
soul savin flag wavin rush lovin land pavin personal friends to the quayle
quite diligently working so hard to keep the free reigns of this democracy
from tree huggin peace lovin pot smokin porn watchin lazy ass hippies like me
"And a few conservative christian rightwing republican Gay white American Males"
terrorism , abortion, and pot smokers aint what scares people today.
what scares people today are , republicans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
So, which is more rediculous, the person who wrote that drivil, or the person who posted it here in the forum?


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Med, your perspicacity knows no bounds!

perspicacity \pur-spuh-KAS-uh-tee\, noun:
Clearness of understanding or insight; penetration, discernment.

I had to look it up.. But I didn't feel to DUMB.. LOL..

You know a word is over the 3rd grade level when you google it and the first choice is "the definition"


I am at least 4th grade level.....

and the poem... well, it went over my head too.. maybe I should google the poem....? :mrgreen:

ONe more thing.. The reason I even poked my head into the POLITICs forum was because I heard stories about VI REDD (good stories ... well not bad stories... LOL).. and I noticed he posted a lot.... and I wanted to get to know HIM... and although I DON"T see eye to eye with a lot of people in this forum, I have an honest deep respect for all (that I have met) of you and your intelligence and thoughtful effort put into your posts....


New Member
perspicacity \pur-spuh-KAS-uh-tee\, noun:
Clearness of understanding or insight; penetration, discernment.

I had to look it up.. But I didn't feel to DUMB.. LOL..

You know a word is over the 3rd grade level when you google it and the first choice is "the definition! :mrgreen: Don't feel bad knowm, I have a couple a years of college and I had to look it up, I pride myself on my vocabulary, but we can't know all the words! Thats why I keep Merriam Webster on my computer.



New Member
Is that Santa Barbara, Santa barbara is really the nice part of So. Cal. My son graduated from UCSD, San Diego, a great school system, Me, I only made it through Junior college, and that took me 6 years of night school while I supported a family of 5. I don't feel any smarter for it, but it always looked good on a resume. now days it wouldn't be shit. I lost my diploma in the last 5 moves somewhere and am not really interested in finding it. Now that I'm retired who needs a formal education. I've learned more from lifes little treasures than you could ever learn in College, And I still don't know shit! I guess when you know everything, you end up like VI and have no more room for other Ideas. It's kinda sad in a certain way, then again, fuck em. If they want to have closed minds, who am I to protest, it's their loss!


Well-Known Member
don't feel bad for looking it up knowm, I have a degree and graduated summa cum laude and had not the slightest inkling what the hell that was. I hope that was not full time 7 years knowm lol!


New Member
apperantly there came a point in your life med when you started saying; "let's see how pissed off I can get them." lmao
I think you have seen the light. If they can't open their minds then you're right, Fuck em! I've been to the conservative mindset and it didn't achieve any good things for me, although I'll listen to their viewpoints, I'll have to disagree. They in turn don't even listen so again Fuck em! Nothing personal intended, Im just against their greed factor.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
don't feel bad for looking it up knowm, I have a degree and graduated summa cum laude and had not the slightest inkling what the hell that was. I hope that was not full time 7 years knowm lol!
yes full time... I was POON CUM LOVE

BTW - congrats on being SCL.. that is impressive!!



Well-Known Member
ty for the compliment knowm. got a minor in poon lol always had to go for the #2 bitch lol the one who took the hit for the team lmao


Well-Known Member


[FONT=&quot]Allmeat, and G.Knowm....thanks for your participation in this forum![/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Unfortuantely, we have only the venomous med representing the left side of the political spectrum..... (Dankdude doesn't post enough here).

Dankdude posses a fine sense of decorum, med, you probably do not need to look this word up, but I sincerely wish that you would engage in practicing just a little bit of it....profanity really doesn't help advance one's ideas......ideas are what should clash here....not personalities!

Peace all[/FONT]


Well-Known Member
wavels that beats widow's avatar any day of the week. I feel compelled to stare at it and try to contimplate what the chair is think. *thinking* come on bitch, give a nigga a break!


New Member
Dear Mr. Wavels:Unfortuantely, we have only the venomous med representing the left side of the political spectrum..... Do you call this being nice or are you just practicing your anti-liberal agenda by demeaning me? I will try and refrain from posting demeaning references to your sexual orientation and in turn you can stop bereating me. It's kind of funny how it takes two of you to gang up on me to get your Ideas accross, like one says shit and the other one says stink. Now as far as my profanity, well that's in the eye of the beholder. One mans profanity is another mans prose. If you're such a prude, maybe you should go to the Jesus chanel. If you care to be civil then I will abide civility, but the profanity issue is a non-starter as that is my prose. If you are offended, pretend when you read it it says something else like darn or poop, or pee pee! I feel this is in your arena!


Well-Known Member
[FONT=&quot]Unfortuantely, we have only the venomous med representing the left side of the political spectrum..... (Dankdude doesn't post enough here).[/FONT]
a spectrum has two sides. so you should thank him for presenting the other side. for without his point of view, yours could not exist. remember a spectrum is a whole not just a side.