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  1. Shackleford.R

    Super-newb - Aerogarden Grow

    IMO that looks like it COULD work.. only thing to consider is how much water it holds on to. too wet.. stem/root rot... too dry... i dont know... GO FOR IT! haha maybe try picking up some bullshit seeds from the garden center see how they germ/sprout in the sponges.. then put your real seeds in...
  2. Shackleford.R

    The Shack's AeroGrow

    i took your advice Gypsy all of the clones got pulled up the slightest bit and the cut ends are now well covered in the AG rooters... by the way!! my AG master gardener kit did NOT come with the gray foam sponges you see in most of the photos of the kit. the plugs more resemble rapid rooters...
  3. Shackleford.R

    Waterfarm Closet Grow [PICS]

    The pH in the waterfarm fluctuates UP like crazy.. never down, always up.. so i start around there in anticipation for the increase... then i balance back it out after a couple days What would I expect to pay to get into that range?? That and the current fixture plus two 23W CFL gets the...
  4. Shackleford.R

    Waterfarm Closet Grow [PICS]

    Day 7 of flower is drawing to a close (according to Laura) in about 2 hours and 45 minutes. So before that time, I needed to do a res change, check out the air stone, and look over the overall progress of lady Laura.. First things first, the res... Mixed up nutrients, FloraNova Bloom...
  5. Shackleford.R

    Waterfarm Closet Grow [PICS]

    Uploading and editing... 20 minutes??
  6. Shackleford.R

    Waterfarm Closet Grow [PICS]

    yeah that reflector was the greatest find ever! haha found at the local hydro/grow shop in the "used" equipment section. 14 dollars and 95 cents! it was even wired properly for a self ballasted light, just needed an extension cord!
  7. Shackleford.R

    Waterfarm Closet Grow [PICS]

    and yes i figured you'd say that.. i added a pair of CFLs to the hood.. one at either end, probably going to screw in the Y-sockets to double the lights later.
  8. Shackleford.R

    Waterfarm Closet Grow [PICS]

    Day 7 of flowering is upon us!! Flushing the res and taking some photos later. Check back later this afternoon!
  9. Shackleford.R

    The Shack's AeroGrow

    hmmph... you think i KNOW what im doing?? just playing, but really i sprouted my first seed in in early april. i'm still learning as i go. taking tips from everyone else, and sharing what i've figured out. keep reading and posting... no such thing as "the right way to grow" i've discovered very...
  10. Shackleford.R

    Waterfarm Closet Grow [PICS]

    since you've been so hopeful i'll do this tonight before i hit the bed... here is the reflector... just a standard "bubble" stamped metal wing here is the bulb... this is presently the only light source i have here is the bulb in the reflector... pretty decent i think...
  11. Shackleford.R

    My Super CFL Lowryder 2 AeroGrow

    with such a STRONG healthy root system, you should see some AWESOME flowering! they look healthy! happy to hear you cleared up the stem rot... i assume you did, if not that root system will soon help repair the plant! well done, be proud!! haha peace :bigjoint: BEAUTIFUL! :weed:
  12. Shackleford.R

    Waterfarm Closet Grow [PICS]

    thank you sir!! took off in a BIG way! it seemed like a hasty decision at the time... but now i feel it was in the best interest of the overall harvest. the way it is now, i think maximizing the potential of this plant. all the secondary tops are exposed to more light.. as well as few of...
  13. Shackleford.R

    The Shack's AeroGrow

    ah ha! haha a little confusion there. the way i trimmed the plugs, the cut end is just barely exposed at the bottom of the plug, it actually protrudes the tiniest bit, i haven't pulled the clones from the plugs. just popped the "cages" net pots whatever we want to call the plastic holders, from...
  14. Shackleford.R

    The Shack's AeroGrow

    cuttings have been in the AG for 4 days now. the cutting in the back left looks like it could be developing roots soon. the cut area has become MUCH lighter in color and looks to have tiny little protrusions. what should i be seeing? also before i put them into the AG i read about...
  15. Shackleford.R

    Waterfarm Closet Grow [PICS]

    I went into my closet today, after the fans were setup to check temps, its around 78-82 with 43% humidity. While I was standing there I couldn't but notice all these lower nodes with all this beautiful growth and baby preflowers. So many shoots below the main colas. I just couldn't resist...
  16. Shackleford.R

    CFL 1st Grow =D

    do you have a patio? or a windowsill with lots of sun? as young as those plants are, they would do well in part-full sun until you have box situated. honestly they might do better at this stage that way than the two lamps. just a thought. i like that your thinking!!!
  17. Shackleford.R

    Waterfarm Closet Grow [PICS]

    thanks gypsy! haha i figured that might be the case added an oscillating fan today... had it sitting RIGHT outside the closet and just never put it in there. its there now and the breeze is flowing nice bongsmilie
  18. Shackleford.R

    My attempt on building a semi-stealth cabinet (pix inside)

    well done sir!!! well done!! +rep and i may have to build one of those myself!!!
  19. Shackleford.R

    First Grow need a little advice

    Sounds like a healthy soil mix you've gone with!!! With such an awesome soil STAY organic. Be careful shopping at the grow shop with fertilizers and such, very easy to get confused... i recommend GH FloraNova 2 part Grow and Bloom! Both organic and both work INCREDIBLY well. VERY easy to use...
  20. Shackleford.R

    CFL 1st Grow =D

    Cool thread, i dig your DIY option. My two cents... Definitely want to ditch that foil for mylar, it creates hot spots BIG time on your plants... With CFL growing you want those lights as CLOSE as possible honestly 1/4 inch away is safe... burns usually occur ONLY if the plant makes contact...