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  1. Shackleford.R

    The Shack's AeroGrow

    i'm glad i'm not the only one calling spam. i've done that before as well. but i at least have the courtesy to show interest in the grower's grow and have questions regarding their grow as well. it would have been alright had the dude showed a little respect and asked questions to some facing...
  2. Shackleford.R

    AG - Round 2

    all respect. i answered his questions on my thread first. best i could. i also just got into with my lady right before that, and it was late. i could have been more patient. i hear you gypsy, we all had a shitload questions once, and still do. :peace:
  3. Shackleford.R

    AG - Round 2

    spammed you too huh?
  4. Shackleford.R

    The Shack's AeroGrow

    i know you're looking for help bro but i saw this verbatim on another thread... thread spamming isn't cool in my book. check the AG FAQ at the top of the aerogardener's page. Also consider starting a grow journal. Maybe start a few threads as well. all that shit aside... fill to the "FILL TO...
  5. Shackleford.R

    Gypsy's Picture Depot

    found an awesome clip of a wild field of marijuana in austria, i think it said... notice how long the guy is walking around, and never passing the same plant twice... awesome... Gkka8bPM6Og
  6. Shackleford.R

    DIY Aero CFL 12/12 from seed

    that is an awesome build! +rep what type of head/sprayer did you use? is it a 360 spray nozzle?
  7. Shackleford.R

    AG - Round 2

    what is this 10:30 game? 1vs100 is scheduled?!
  8. Shackleford.R

    AG - Round 2

    you NEED to grab "the orange box" you owe it yourself my friend. stylized battle with 8 different character types... several play modes, and a dude that sells weed. not really the last part, just looking to get down on a game, thought it would be enticing.
  9. Shackleford.R

    AG - Round 2

    no sir! everybody needs to get up on the PS Network, and get down on some team fortress OR some LBP! Anybody, heh? no? alright... xbox wins this this time!
  10. Shackleford.R

    AG - Round 2

    hahaha what?!!? thats not at all what i said. were you quoting dick cheney?
  11. Shackleford.R

    AG - Round 2

    oh mr cool guy reads the forum, and is becoming a better grower because of it... i'm just fucking with you man, haha. i'm with MrAlex with this one, that one blew right past me. didn't even think about doing that. thanks for letting me in on the secret kiss-ass
  12. Shackleford.R

    AG - Round 2

    I might have to try that out i think.. my girl went 12/12 about a week and a half ago still no signs. would a dark period make a difference at this point?
  13. Shackleford.R

    Gypsy's Picture Depot

    wanna see a crazy "legal" hydro farm??? tqcBCcSLDlo maybe RIU growers should join together start a farm like this their respective cities, and keep a "back room" for growing the real cash crop.: bongsmilie:
  14. Shackleford.R

    AG - Round 2

    That last pic looks pretty sweet. I saw someone.. somewhere.. they do 24 hours darkness before 12/12.. are YOU doing that? just wondering what others have heard.
  15. Shackleford.R

    Waterfarm Closet Grow [PICS]

    Thank you MrAlex. Laura looks lovely standing tall and "strong". (she has a bit of a lean, more root development would help.. more on that in like two seconds) The main shoots are growing nice and strong. Not much to report, just wanted to keep people interested. I added a 4" ActiveAqua Air...
  16. Shackleford.R

    The Shack's AeroGrow

    haha i missed out on all the fun during my hangover. here i am riding it out into another night. i've been looking at my closet grow (link in sig) and the lady sure is stemmy. she looks like she could go into flower in about a week. so i'm considering snipping some clones just in time before...
  17. Shackleford.R

    The Shack's AeroGrow

    might be doing a multi strain dwc system... aka maybe starting a new thread, just to be accurate... more tomorrow after my hangover. speaking of which, go see that movie. worth the money... im drunk GOODNIGHT! :weed::hump:
  18. Shackleford.R


    I hear you man.. Sorry for the bad news. Barely got a chance to know you. Good luck to you in the near future. I hope things pan out for you the way you hope.
  19. Shackleford.R

    The Shack's AeroGrow

    I don't plan on transplanting eleventeen times, haha. Just start the seedling out in the AG by itself, just to get a nice long taproot developed and then straight into the waterfarm, to veg and flower. I hear you, and I'm comfortable with the waterfarm. that and i built the ebb&flow for some...