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  1. N

    how many 1000's

    come on no one knows
  2. N

    how many watts until the hydro comp calls the cops??

    1 40 watt bulb
  3. N

    am i ready for flush (1st grow)

    If the laws on your ass i would flush and cut them.If the law finds them that means no bud for sure, fuck it cut them now
  4. N

    how many 1000's

    how many 1000's can a 6 inch inline fan cool i was thinking at least 4 but don't know for sure...:joint:
  5. N

    Worst/Best state to grow/consume pot

    AZ has to be the worst
  6. N

    Is this going to fuck my girls up

    Thanks guys that's what I thought but I know it slowed the growth they should be alot bigger
  7. N

    Is this going to fuck my girls up

    I just noticed he changed my mh bulb to the bps bulb i use mh for veg and bps for flower
  8. N

    Is this going to fuck my girls up

    my plants were 1 week in veg Had my brother inlaw watch and water my girls when I was out of town for 2 weeks came back today and he was giving them flora nova bloom instead of the grow I honestly don't know what is going to happen now?????????
  9. N

    Does anyone know any tips for producing around 350/400 grams per plant?

    I usually get around 4 oz's a plant dry but I also veg tell they are at least3 or 4feet tall before flowering but that's only 112 grams per plant dry
  10. N

    What are all my growers up to Cali hit

    keepin it indoor even in cali
  11. N

    Cheese Haze

    it should be bomb the cheese is always bomb
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    Cheese Haze

  13. N

    How long to VEG White Widows

    I vegged for 8 weeks after sprout and flowered for 8 weeks came out good but its not a good yeilder only got about 1.5 oz dry.The first time i grow from seed so maybe i didnt veg long enough but good luck....
  14. N

    Cheese Haze

    Has anyone grown cheese haze got some clones today they say its alot like blue dream but we will see
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    Cheese haze

    Has anyone grown this strain got some clones today they say is is alot lime blue dream
  16. N

    HULKNugs Medical Grow – Indoor, Hydro - Blue Dream (2 room setup)

    what was you total weight dry because pretty much all i grow is blue dream because i love it but it yeilds so good i got 4 oz per plant last time but i also let them get 3 feet tall before i flower them it is well worth it alot of people say grow indica strains they are faster but i like sativas...
  17. N

    Sm 90

    Know one knows anything about Sm 90
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    Sm 90

    Does anyone know if this is good to use during veg and the begining stages I heard it helps prevent root rot but does it help during veg to make the root grow faster
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    how many plants do you have
  20. N

    clones just cut

    there in bags with a heating pad under them with lights on in the bags you can see the moister in the bags