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  1. KittenKiller

    Someone PLEASE Help!

    Update: Saturday 2-14-09 Heres a pic of my setup as it is now. i also got a red-spectrum 65W floodlight and 20W CFL laying around because i have no more sockets to put them into. also, im wondering if it is a good idea to have my fan blowing directly at the plants or not. How many times should...
  2. KittenKiller

    Best way to germinate seeds?

    put them in rockwool first and place the rocks all around it.
  3. KittenKiller

    Outdoor High vs. Indoor High??

    who told you outdoor weed is less stoney?
  4. KittenKiller

    Best indoor method for high yields?

    get a huge 15 gallon pot to plant it in
  5. KittenKiller

    Weed smells like ammonia

    what kind of weed does your friend smoke?? is he also a n00b?
  6. KittenKiller

    Plant Bending Over

    i think tying it to the stake was a good idea, but if it has a few leaves on it and the stem can't support the weight, you are probably overwatering. just dont water it for the first couple weeks after planting the seedling
  7. KittenKiller

    Best way to germinate seeds?

    well you can just do what i and a million other people do- the paper towel method: wet the paper towel, but seeds on it, fold the paper tower in half to enclose the seeds in there. put it in a dark spot and by the next morning, it will have sprouted.
  8. KittenKiller

    ~~I was germing my 100$ seeds,but the paper DRIED!!!Am I ok,Or Ruined?!!~

    i had the same thing happen to me a couple of times. i watered them asap and planted them. they have sprouted. im sure yours are fine too. i guess the taproot cant be too different from the marijuana plant which requires some dryness to get some oxygen anyways.
  9. KittenKiller

    10 days already, no sprout, a concern?

    Thats odd. how deep did you plant it into the soil? not too deep i hope. right now im thinking it may be your soil. are you familiar with the one ur using now? any past successes?
  10. KittenKiller

    Im looking for sugg.? Help me for +++++

    I would suggest Arjan's Ultra Haze #1 for growing indoors (up to 700g/sq. meter) and the regular Arjan's Haze #1 for outdoors (up to 1500g/plant) here are the links: AUH#1: AH#1...
  11. KittenKiller

    Can I Flower With This Light?

    You could probably find some 4' warm light flouro tubes and swap them into there but you probably wouldn't have enough watts. I would agree with indianaman and say that HPS is the perfect solution and once you get that you will never need to mess around with lights again. But I dont have an HPS...
  12. KittenKiller

    Someone PLEASE Help!

    Ya I got another issue- tommorrow will be the third week since I planted this one. Doesnt it just look too small for it's age? I think there might be something slowing down its rate of growth. Not sure what it is though. But since I havent watered it a few days ago, I saw the first change in a...
  13. KittenKiller

    Need some big time help!!!

    Soft white for flowering?? i think u got it mixed up- ~5600K (cool) for veg and ~2700 (warm) for flower. if ur so high that your stupidity has fully taken over I completely understand bongsmilie
  14. KittenKiller

    looking to grow some mind melting shit.

    Actually Puff, I have been looking at Super Lemon Haze for quite some time now. It won the 2008 cannabis cub and its by Greenhouse. I found 5 fem. seeds for less than $40 @ seedboutique: There is also Arjan's Ultra Haze #1...
  15. KittenKiller

    need a lil advise

    Damn u need w33d and a hug :hug:
  16. KittenKiller

    looking to grow some mind melting shit.

    excuse my n00bishness, but what is a "bag appealing" strain?
  17. KittenKiller

    Someone PLEASE Help!

    Thanks for the advise. I think that is another big change that will ensure my plant's life. I took the little plant out of the hard chunks of what I used to call soil and into my new potting soil then watered it. Some long roots broke off but they will redevelop right? I'm surprised how nicely...
  18. KittenKiller

    Someone PLEASE Help!

    The kind of soil I have is by GreenAll and its organic potting soil. Its got earthworm castings, bat guano, kelp meal, feather meal, and greensand. Is that sufficient? I also have some maneure laying around, is it a good idea to mix it in? Hopefully with this soil I won't have to add any...
  19. KittenKiller

    Someone PLEASE Help!

    w00t w00t blzbob! I left to go buy some cheap soil at Home Depot or something minutes before your post, but got distracted and turned back home for a sec and checked back on this thread. I saw your reply and found the closest place selling Fox Farm soil. I just got some really good soil (not Fox...
  20. KittenKiller

    Someone PLEASE Help!

    I have a Walmart and Home Depot nearby. What soil would you recommend? I hear a lot of people advising to stay away from miracle-gro.