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  1. max316420

    Seeds held by canada customs Q.

    they will seize it and probably open it. I wouldn't respond to the letter and just take it as a loss.
  2. max316420

    Nutridip help!!

    I'm guessing it's a meter? Send it back to where you bought it or file a complaint with ebay
  3. max316420

    Tent info????plz

    18 dried zips off 1 600 watt light? that's pretty good
  4. max316420

    Grow # 2; Week 1

    If your using CO2 then you wanna get your temps up a bit, but using it in veg doesn't do much. Don't start to use it until flowering
  5. max316420

    Salt problems?

    If you have good runoff when watering then you won't have to worry about that. About 20% will do just fine
  6. max316420

    First time using a bone meal tea... question.

    Bone meal and Mollases are gonna make up a complete nutrient and your gonna eventually run into defs. I would recommend if your new to growing to use a 1 or 2 part nutrient. Just to get the hang of it
  7. max316420

    Did I burn them?

    I use grow big all the way until like 6 weeks into flowering, especially with the leafier strains. One of my strains actually uses double the grow big in flowering then it does in veg. I would hit them with 1-2 teaspoons of growbig at least every other watering if not every watering. The N they...
  8. max316420

    Who is DJ short?

    wow the more and more I hear about dispensaries the more I think their only out for money and most are ripoffs
  9. max316420

    Potassium deficiency/underfed??? (pix inside)

    I would say you answered your own question
  10. max316420

    Advice for my first grow???

    @ king, Popped one mk ultra seed and put a clone into flowering thinking it was gonna be a male NOPE she's a she and I'm sooooooooo happy
  11. max316420

    Advice for my first grow???

    ya i know, wonder whats booming more? pot trade, seed trade or grow gear trade.. So much shit out there it can get confusing and overwhelming
  12. max316420

    mmj clones

    I have strawberry bushes for sale too... totally legit and 100% legal
  13. max316420

    Advice for my first grow???

    very well worded.... Bravo
  14. max316420

    Advice for my first grow???

    Do you have a fan blowing on them?
  15. max316420

    Fox farm ocean forest

    Promix is great, when you feed your plants you know EXACTLY what your giving them.. And 1 bail of promix expands out to equal 4 bags of OF, and it's only usually around $30-40
  16. max316420

    Did I burn them?

    severe underfeeding
  17. max316420

    Too Much Nitrogen 4 Weeks Flowering In Subcools Supersoil

    yummy, why do they call it vanilla? Does it taste like it?
  18. max316420

    Who is DJ short?

    I just wanna shake his hand and tell him thank you....
  19. max316420

    Did I burn them?
