Advice for my first grow???


Here is my ghetto grow room!! no teasing, its my first attempt and was made with a budget of nothing!!!!

The main light is a 250w HPS and the other 2 are just some random cfls i thought may help the light spectrum.

I have a light tight sheath to cover all this with 2 5"fans built in, 1 for inlet at the bottom and 1 for outlet at the top. The insides are lined with good old tin foil.

both plants have been grown this far on my windowsill which is probably why they are so stretched. the 1 nearest the camera has been topped and had the 2 big fan leaves removed to try and improve light to the lower end of the plant.

At the moment they have constant light, is that a bad idea? would they be better of on 18/6???

i have just popped a seed in the raised pot so fingers crossed it will grow a bit better now i have a decent light!

ANY help, hint or tips you folks could offer would be awesome
thx in advance.
You're gonna want to tie them down or LST, and you need to put them into a bigger pot and put them into flowering asap cuz you are definately out of grow space.
Ahhh i see! thx sweetcheekz.

i would like to try and avoid them getting huge if thats at all possible. in terms of height i mean.
i understand it might be a bit late for that by now, oops! lol
how much bigger?
would twice the current size be ok?
cranker, how would i go about tying them down?
would it be ok to put them into flowering at this stage, i know the yield would be pretty poor but would i actually get anything at all????

if you think its worth it i could try flowering them and then start out from scratch with some new seeds and try and keep everything a bit tighter?

im just using bagseed while i learn so it would not be any great loss.

THANK YOU EVERYONE for your fast replys!! :) happy jack!
look up threads on LST or low stress tying. Good thing to use bagseed for an early grow, I'd also suggest Nirvana Northern Lights Auto as a good seed to start with since they are wicked hardy, grow small, yield is decent and fast. But for your plants, it might be the perspective but, you always want to flower at half the top possible height, because a lot of phenos will go on a tear and double in size after put into flowering. This may not be the case but the plant looks sativa-ish, so it may have a growth streak in it.

(p.s. the lil + rep star is always nice ;) )
That is a bitching grow room, looks real sweet, i use to have one similar when i started although i used flourescents. Real nice looking an all.

For a new grower all advice is good but i feel a few things will be essential to learn, other can help you grow the plant but i just want to reiterate the basics for you again-

Learn to water, plant dies quick if overwatered, want pot to feel light and soil barely moist before watering again, plants need air to their roots again. When you have learned to water then learn to water again, takes a while to get use to watering believe me.

Next learn what ferts are, what types and the various nutrients of which the main ones are NITROGEN, PHOSPHOROUS, POTASSIUM, CALCIUM and MAGNESIUM. The rest are equally as important but these main 5 are where most deficiencies in the plant lie especially CALCIUM and MAGNESIUM.

Other things like proper drainage in the soil i.e. perlite will help the plant to grow fast and stop overwatering so much, want to be watering every 4 to 5 days ideally in soil for best results so add the right amount of perlite 20 to 30 percent is a good figure to start with.

A little bit of fine grade or powdered dolomite lime works good in the soil, keeps the pH sweet and dosent harm the plant. A level teaspoon to each litre of soil is another good place to start and you will never worry about the pH of the soil again!

Lastly dont skimp on basic supplies like dolomite lime, perlite, good ferts and soil, these are cheap items to buy so unless your in a third world country i suggest you pay the small price for a bottle of good weed ferts, perlite, soil and very cheap dolomite lime, all essential for a sucssesful grow.

Other than that research and have fun, your breaking the law now so its all cool. Peace
that is a bitching grow room, looks real sweet, i use to have one similar when i started although i used flourescents. Real nice looking an all.

For a new grower all advice is good but i feel a few things will be essential to learn, other can help you grow the plant but i just want to reiterate the basics for you again-

learn to water, plant dies quick if overwatered, want pot to feel light and soil barely moist before watering again, plants need air to their roots again. When you have learned to water then learn to water again, takes a while to get use to watering believe me.

Next learn what ferts are, what types and the various nutrients of which the main ones are nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, calcium and magnesium. The rest are equally as important but these main 5 are where most deficiencies in the plant lie especially calcium and magnesium.

other things like proper drainage in the soil i.e. Perlite will help the plant to grow fast and stop overwatering so much, want to be watering every 4 to 5 days ideally in soil for best results so add the right amount of perlite 20 to 30 percent is a good figure to start with.

A little bit of fine grade or powdered dolomite lime works good in the soil, keeps the ph sweet and dosent harm the plant. A level teaspoon to each litre of soil is another good place to start and you will never worry about the ph of the soil again!

Lastly dont skimp on basic supplies like dolomite lime, perlite, good ferts and soil, these are cheap items to buy so unless your in a third world country i suggest you pay the small price for a bottle of good weed ferts, perlite, soil and very cheap dolomite lime, all essential for a sucssesful grow.

Other than that research and have fun, your breaking the law now so its all cool. Peace

very well worded.... Bravo
Almost forgot the most godamn important thing, seriously water is the most important compound. You probably dont have a ppm meter to read the parts per million but its ok. Soft water is as bad as hard water, you want somewhere in between.

Water is where the plant gets most of its Calcium and Magnesium and thats the truth. It is dissolved in the water and soft water has very little where as very hard water has too much and probably a lot of other things mixed in as well.

Now water should be between 150 to 300 parts per million dissolved solids. If your in soft water area it will be below 50ppm and hard water over 300ppm, find out what your water is, also check the back of most mineral waters, they will have the ingredients CALCIUM and Magnesium listed and the ppm. You want calcium to be at about 80 ppm to magnesium at about 25ppm. This is the 3:1 ratio that plants like of calcium and magnesium.

Sounds complicated dont it dude, well it is but get this right and you will do well, a lot of problems happen this way. Keep researching all i said and you will get there. Peace
ya i know, wonder whats booming more? pot trade, seed trade or grow gear trade.. So much shit out there it can get confusing and overwhelming
@ king, Popped one mk ultra seed and put a clone into flowering thinking it was gonna be a male NOPE she's a she and I'm sooooooooo happy
@max, yeah the inlet fan is directed at them and is giving them a real good breeze.

@kingrow, thank you for all the detailed advice! :) when im next in town im going to take a small and basic shopping list into the garden centre and try and pimp out the soil a bit. will defo be using your advice.

So what do you all think, should i just flower them now and put it down as a learning curve?
i have 1 other seed that has just broken ground and that will be under these lights all the time rather than on the windowsill.

If i do go ahead and flower now would it be to much stress to transplant into bigger pots and change to 12/12 on the same night?
Ach well bugger it. im just gonna head out to my garden and stick them in the bigger pots in the pics. think im going to try and sink the stems a little bit deeper too.
I wont change the light cycle yet just to be on the safe side but think i might try flowering soon just to see what i get:)

im working on a second box that i can get my new seedling into and it will have a couple of cfls similar to the current box and a 70W HPS that i have spare. if that goes ok then i will start the flowering of the other 2.

Let me know if im about to screw this up completely........
thx all