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  1. max316420

    My plants are slowly dying!!!! PLease help

    Big bloom is pretty weak, I think you shouldn't use it as a stand alone food.. IMO it's more of an additive to mix with growbig and tigerbloom. And you might wanna lighten up on the mollases too
  2. max316420

    Will Fox Farm Grow Big KILL mycos?

    @wet, I got a feeling your one cool ass dude...
  3. max316420

    Will Fox Farm Grow Big KILL mycos?

    My 30 yo eyes probably suck worse than yours lol Take my contacts out and i'm blind as a bat
  4. max316420

    Will Fox Farm Grow Big KILL mycos?

  5. max316420

    Will Fox Farm Grow Big KILL mycos?

    100 gallons?? I know how much I go thru sooooooooo lol "WET FOR PRESIDENT"
  6. max316420

    My plants are slowly dying!!!! PLease help

    You ladies and gents have a good nite, im burnt the fuck out on RUI
  7. max316420

    My plants are slowly dying!!!! PLease help

    I can see how tiger bloom can burn but grow big is a bit harder to burn with.. I would say 1 teaspoon of growbig is kinda on the lite side. If your gonna do the 1 ts per gallon with the grow big the I would recommend the 1 ts every watering
  8. max316420

    ever seen a 20x 30 inch set up this sweet?

    what's up with the address? seems kinda fishy
  9. max316420

    Can i get some help, please????

    something with a higher N content something like 6-4-4 along those lines.. Dude this thread is getting so long I forgot what your problem is Lol, guess smokin a fatty doesn't help either
  10. max316420

    what was your worst yield???

    ya that too, If you can afford I would go with a grow light with reflector but if the home depot one is all you have access to then it will work fine
  11. max316420

    What is Purified Water?

    you a new yorker by chance?
  12. max316420

    need a lil help

    never heard of it
  13. max316420

    Please tell me if this is normal.

    heat............ need more info
  14. max316420

    Plant Hermed and Need Advice.

    yes i'm pretty sure they can pollinate your other ones
  15. max316420

    Yellow leaves with blackish dots help needed

    Foliar feeding would work alot quicker
  16. max316420

    Yellow leaves with blackish dots help needed

    Lack of N..................
  17. max316420

    My plants are slowly dying!!!! PLease help

    Notice how all the smaller leaves are nice and green? Thats cause they ate all the food from the bigger fan leaves and could possibly still be eating
  18. max316420

    My plants are slowly dying!!!! PLease help

    From the pics people are gonna say those "burnt" but IMO that is a complete lack of nitrogen. All you can really do now is keep the green "green"
  19. max316420

    what was your worst yield??? If I was in your situation then this is the one I would probably go for
  20. max316420

    what was your worst yield???

    let me see if I can find one on their website. brb